The CMA is happy to review unsolicited articles for publication on the web page. Some articles may be edited, as needed, for publication. We assume that submission of an article implies consent to publication. If you plan to submit information to either the webmaster or Journal Editor, be sure to include the following information.
- Date (of submission)
- Subject or Ancestral Line
- Submitter (Your name)
- Your contact information
- Proposed distribution (i.e. webpage, journal, gencom, etc). Be specific!
- List any restrictions (i.e., copyright, confidential, etc.)
Significant effort is made to accommodate the author with respect to updates, fixing typos, etc.. The following procedure has been successful and equitable to all parties in the past.
- If it is a new page, I post a draft page and then ask the author to review the page.
- I do not post a public link or otherwise advertise the page until I get confirmation and approval from the author. I need an answer back.
- If I do not get a reply in a reasonable time from the author, I may elect to remove the page, based on one or more of the following assumptions.
- The author's email address is no longer active
- The author is no longer interested in the page
- The author is no longer able to correspond
- I usually keep an archive copy of the page in case the author is able to re-establish communication later.
- On the other hand, if the author is unresponsive to my communications, I may post the page and make such edits, from time to time, as seem prudent and necessary.
If it is an page that has been up for a while and the author or a vigilant reader wants me to make a change in a web page, I ask that they
- Identify the page in question by full URL (Browse to the page and copy-n-paste the entire address line into your message.)
- (Do not try to describe the necessary changes in text, like "On that web page, would you please fix the spelling error?")
- Copy and paste the paragraph or sentence that needs changing, into an email message. Make sure you get some of the adjacent text so I
can identify the exact location.
- Make the necessary changes in a contrasting color, and red is best, so I clearly know what needs to be changed. That way I can easily compare the email message to the original. It should look something like this:
So when Uncle John moved to Colombia Township, North Carolina from West Virginia, Sarah and Jim went with him.
- Send that excerpt to me.
- If multiple changes are needed, this procedure is repeated, in logical sequence and with clear separation of sections.
- After I have made (what I understand to be) the requested changes, I send an email to the author asking them to re-check the page. I
need an answer back, the same as above.