Articles and Family History:

Fortitier Clan McAlister of America YouTube channel   New

Digging for Ancestors - Litterally!    New

John McAlister, born Lurgan, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 1751

Don Sanford's Corner

Descendants of Richard McAllister ~1705 - 1776 (R04) William Worth's massive compilation spanning ten generations.

My Recollections by Helen McAlister Huntington

The Name "Colister" by Lynn McAlister

Coll McAlester of Tarbert 1688-1740 , by Ian McDonald

John McAllister Schofield Medal of Honor Recipient

The Attack on Fort McAllister -New York Tribune, Feb 13, 1863

A Visit to Fort McAllister in 1950
  George Washington’s Scottish Connections

A Brush with "Lindy" True story about Charles A. Lindbergh

William Marion McAlister (JN01) - 1865-1943 -Family yarn

Lion John MacAlister's Charter

Sir John Walker MacAlister of Tarbert

Robert Howard McAllister (B03) - 1867-1949 - Remembrance

McAlister & Brother Telescope - by Marcie Sweet

Colonel Norman Macalister of Penang, Malaysia

Matthew McAllister and the Yazoo Land Fraud

Edwin. A McAllister - R04

The Fate of the 1890 US Census

Good Digging in the National Archives

McAllisters on the Vietnam Wall

Nathaniel and T. J.

Rita Alvina McAllister

Lord Cornwallis Visits

CMA Patriot Ancestors

Sir Walter Scott and Alexander MacAllister of Strathaird

Steve Taylor's N05 Photos from long ago    New

A Tale of Two Brothers (B03) Raymond E. & Robert C. McAllister

Ireland in the Spring or "How I Spent my Vacation"

Can't We Spell Our Name?

McAlisters in the first Census

A Trip to Scotland

Archibald McCallister at Paulus Hook, July 19, 1779

McAllisters at Gettysburg

Working With The Scottish Records

CMA Journal - Back Issues a listing of availability

DNA Genealogy & Scots / Irish History

Scottish Record Society More than 50 volumes available, online.

The 1850 US Census for Alabama, Tennessee and Minnesota showing McAlisters (any spelling)

The Scottish Emigration Database by University of Aberdeen

Knapdale People Data Base Huge!

DNA Testing: Linking Past, Present, and Future, by Cynthia McAlister Bresson

Join The McAlister DNA Group Project

A Short History of Clan Alasdair by Lynn C. McAlister

Getting Started in Genealogy

Gravestones of McAlisters (any spelling)
     Contributions welcome!

Academy Cemetery, Blue Mountain, Tippah County, MS. Includes B03 line
Laurel Hill, Mardela Memorial, Nelson, Smith Mill and Bethany United Methodist Cemeteries in Maryland and Delaware. Includes N10 Line
Bunyan, Upper Green's Creek and West End Cemeteries in Erath County, Texas
Chestnut Level Cemetery Quarryville, Lancaster County, PA    New
Ebenezer Cemetery, Blue Mountain, Tippah County, MS. Includes B03 line
Emmitsberg Presbyterian Cemetery Frederick County, Maryland    New
Fredonia Cemetery, Hanover, Stone County, Arkansas. Includes AJ02 line
Kilcalmonell Cemetery Clachan, Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland    
Kilkerran Cemetery Campbeltown, Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland    
Lost Creek Valley Cemetery, McAlisterville, Juniata County, PA.Includes C01 Line
McAlister Cemetery, Ripley, MS. Includes N05 line
McAllister Cemetery (private), Union County, MS. Includes B03 line
Middleberg Methodist Cemetery Carroll County, Maryland    New
Mountain View Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll County Maryland. Includes C01 line
Odd Fellows Rest Cemetery, Aberdeen, in Monroe County, MS, Includes B03 Line
Old Hopewell Presbyterian Cemetery, York, PA
Putechan Cemetery Glenbarr, Kintyre, Argyll, Scotland    
Saltillo Cemetery, Saltillo, MS. Includes B03 Line
South Cortland Rural Cemetery, Cortland Co., New York    New
St. Brendan's Chapel Graveyard in Skipness, Argyll, Scotland

Guide to Family History Research Really worthwhile! by Desmond Walls Allen

The Declaration of Arbroath from 1320 A.D.

  The Clan Donald of Armadale Castle, Isle of Skye

The Clan Donald of America

Irish Genealogy Resources

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
Search the PRONI website for atricles & stories:

National Archives of Ireland list of sources

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Birth, marriage and death indexes from 1864 to 1921 for the whole of Ireland (from 1845 for non-Catholic marriages) and from 1922 to 2013 for the Republic of Ireland

A list of Irish Research sources

Ireland's Largest Family Records Database Free!

Irish Deeds, Wills & Memorials, 1708-1929

Hearth Money Roll for Aghadowey Parish, Co. Londonderry, Ireland (circa. 1663)

Irish Probate Index, 1666-1858 Listing McAlisters (any spelling) only!

Irish Census of 1901 and 1911, by county

County Tyrone Website

Placenames Database of Ireland A map/based database of Ireland. Can search as small as townland (a critical unit for finding Irish records)    New

The Maghera and District Genealogy & History Society
“...I do not propose to write a history but only to furnish some material thereto that may be interesting to others, when the hand that now writes this shall have mouldered into dust.”
-- Thomas Witherow
Minister of Maghera Presbyterian Church, January 21st 1848

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

LDS FamilySearch Research Wiki Free!

Clan Alasdair Timeline

Bann Valley Genealogy

A Short History of Scotland

Notes on Sources for all genealogists


Yarns & Fun

2019 Member Survey complete results

CMA Journal - Back Issues a listing of availability

CMA College Scholarship Recipients

Who is this?     Can you identify this person?

Share Your McAlister Genealogy With Us

McAlister History Blog by Lynn McAlister

Useful Guidelines for authors submitting articles

A Short History of the CMA by J. A. McAlister

CMA Ancestral Lines Listing

The McAlister Badge

McAlllister Dances before the King - Poem

A Burns Night Speech via Don Sanford

William Wallace and Marion Braidfute - by Jared Savoy

Sir William Wallace - Legend

Robert de Brus, King of Scotland

Melrose Abbey - A yarn

"Scots Wha Hae" - a Robert Burns poem

What is a Haggis? - Serious information

A fun map of Scotland

Aye! The McAlister Tartan

McAlister pages
(any spelling)

Scots Links and other things

Steve McCallister's J45 Website

Charles Ray McAllaster's R04 Home Page

Robert W. McAlister's Homepage with A05 line genealogy

McAllister Technical Services Home Page

Clan MacAlister in Nova Scotia (New Scotland)

The Clan McAlister Society

The Macalester College Pipe Band in Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN.

Scotland's Home Page

The Clan Donald Society of Queensland    New

Electric Scotland's index of St. Andrews Societies

The Walter Scott Digital Archive, courtesy of Edinburgh University Library     Simply excellent!

The Surnames of Scotland, with Glossary of Scots terms.

Electric Scotland's alphabetical clan list. Fun!

National Genealogical Society Home Page

Federation of Genealogical Societies represents members of more than 500 genealogical societies.

Photo by Andrew Lee McAllister, overlooking Brothwick Brae, Roberton near Hawick, Rox., Scotland