As was reported in the MacAlasdair Clan, Clan McAlister of America will be awarding a scholarship in the amount of $500 to a deserving high school senior or college freshman. Eligible students must be children or grandchildren (natural, adopted or step) of an active CMA member whose dues are paid. This year will be the tenth year of the CMA Scholarship Program. Each year of the program we have received more applications than the previous year. There are many smart, talented young people who are McAlisters or related to McAlisters. It is felt that a scholarship program is a way to heighten the interest of our youth in education and in the CMA.
Applicants are asked to submit personal information, a narrative autobiographical sketch, along with a resume, three letters of reference (one must be from a current or former teacher, counselor, administrator, etc.), and an official transcript with SAT/ACT scores included. The applicants are rated on grades, test scores, autobiographical sketch, extracurricular activities, community and religious activities, work experiences and references.
A detailed, printable application form is available here.
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The Scholarship Committee encourages students to apply for these scholarships. Please send the completed application form with all necessary items no later than May 15, 2017.
Send completed forms to:
CMA Scholarship Committee
c/o Barbara W. McAlister
7654 Rico Road, Palmetto
Georgia 30268-2031
Previous scholarship recipients
How You Can Make A Difference
Education is important to everyone, not just the student. An educated person benefits society at large, not just him- or herself. An education makes a better citizen, a better family member, a better parent. Anyone over the age of consent owes it to the generations coming up, as well as to their own essential self, to pass on and improve upon the education they received. The person who does otherwise litterally steals from their own inheritance and is a traitor to their species.
OK, strong words! Now what? Well, here is your opportunity to Make A Difference. You may contribute to the CMA Scholarship Fund by clicking the Paypal button above. (Really easy) Alternatively, you can contribute to any of hundreds of worthwhile scholarship programs around the country. (Requires a bit of research) Or you can offer direct assistance to someone in your immediate sphere of acquaintances. (Remember, this is not charity. It is an investment in the future, and that includes your future, too!