Who is this?

Can you help identify these people?

Several years after the founding of the CMA, several of us speculated that the CMA might eventually have a nearly complete database of all the McAlister (any spelling) lines in the United States. Well, that day may come but we're not there yet! In the last year, so many new lines and branches have emerged that we now wonder if we have only scratched the surface so far.

This page is an attempt to assist in that effort. The snippets and photos offered below are posted in hopes you can shed some light on a particular unknown aspect. Please bookmark this page and check back often.

Surely someone out there in cyberworld knows the answer!

Mystery Solved
Ref. No.1
Image sent from: Nancy Phillips nancyp@airswitch.net (no longer a functioning email address)
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:03 PM

Update ref: 2 Oct 2016: Katharine McAlister, Descendant of R04- Richard McAllister

The person marked as Ref #1, if not already identified, is Frank Nehemiah McAlister, b. 12/30/1874 Harrisburg Oregon m. 10/23/1902 to Fanny Young d. 12/12/1935(?) Eugene, OR. He is son of Samantha Cornell and Edward Alden McAlister, my great-great grandparents. I have a very similar photo of him along with a few others, including a family portrait when he was a young adult, in my collection.

Ref. No.2 (Click photo for a larger view)
Ref. No.4 (Click photo for a larger view)
Ref. No.5 (Click photo for a larger view)
Ref. No.6 (Click photo for a larger view)
Ref. No.7 (Click photo for a larger view)

Ref. No.8 Grace C. McAlister
Pasadena, CA, 1931(Click photo for a larger view)
Ref. No.9 W. S. McAlister
The back of the post card photo says W. S. McAlister, taken March 12th 1921 then on the side it has handwritten, "Sis Cora".
(Click photo for a larger view)
Ref. No. 10 W. B. McAllister
The back of the portrait says W. B. McAlister - fount in attic in Somerset County, Pennsylvania
(Click image for larger view) Webmaster
Please notify the Webmaster if you know any of these people. Be sure to include the reference number

Mystery solved?
According to Joyce MacLeod, West Kingston, RI, who sent this photo, "this is Jack McAllister, who sometimes drove for Charlie Parker's Garage, 323 N. Hill St. Oceanside, CA. Photo was taken in 1954. Jack was a Marine, stationed at Camp Pendelton and served in Korea."

Ref. No.3 (Click photo for a larger view)
Jack McAllister

12/28/2003 12:07 AM, Rodney Dean McAlister wrote:
Dear Webmaster,
I was viewing the "Who's this" link on your website, and I have some information about picture ref. #3. That is not Jack McAllister, that is my father, Eddie Dean McAlister. He was born Aug. 7th 1934, died Feb. 9th 1987. I have contacted my mother, she confirmed that this is indeed my father, and served in Korea. He was a marine stationed at camp Pendelton in 1954. I have lots of documentation confirming my father in the military during this time. You can imagine my surprise when I saw his face on the website. Can you please put me in touch with someone who would document my family tree and my family line. I'm not very familiar with computers, as my daughter is sending this e-mail, so can we please do this by mail. You can also e mail me to let me know that you have received this e mail. My name is Rodney Dean McAlister, my address is PO box 396, Newton IA 50208. My telephone number is 641-791-3477. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I have already joined CMA, I received my membership card today, as well as some journals.