The clearest symbol of Scottish identity and allegiance to one's family, or clan, is the Clan Tartan, particularly when worn as the kilt. Many clans have more than one tartan. The Clan MacAlister is no exception and the tartan illustrated is the older of the two. The second tartan omits the white and green lines. It has links with the MacDougall patterns.
This MacAlister tartan is complex and can be recognized as belonging to the group of MacDonaldtartans. Septs include Allison, MacAlaster, MacAllister, Sanders and Saunders. The MacAlisters went to Stirlingshire sometime in the fourteenth century. Their Celtic name was anglicized into its more familiar, lowland version, Alexander.
Performing a Google search for "Tartans+MacAlister", will show numerous pictures in color of the Clan Tartan material. The Clan McAlister does have a site that serves as visitor's center in the village of Glenbarr, Kintyre, in Argyllshire. It is located about midway between Tarbert and Campbeltown on the west coast of Kintyre. It is the only remaining property of any size in the McAlister homeland still owned by McAlisters in Scotland. The genial hostess, Jeanne MacAlister, who is a trustee for the McAlister Center foundation, operates a bed and breakfast, museum and gift shop on the property, which is known as Glenbarr Abbey.
There were many other large estates owned by the McAlisters in their homeland of Kintyre and Knapdale in Argyll but the oldest still standing is the MacAlister Chief of Loup's home at Ardpatrick in Knapdale, built in 1762 on the site of a much earlier castle of the McAlister clan chiefs. It is no longer owned by McAlister descendants is not open to the public.