230. William MCALLISTER was born in 1818 in Montville,
Waldo, Maine.
He was married to MRS Nancy A MCALLISTER. MRS Nancy
A MCALLISTER was born about 1820.
231. John B MCALLISTER was born in 1822 in Montville,
Waldo, Maine.
Source Record type Federal Population Schedule, (Data
Base) ME 1860 Federal Census Index: John B. McAlester, JOHN B Montville, Waldo,
Maine. page 705 township Burnham I.D No ME17235637
He was married to MRS Rachel MCALLISTER. MRS Rachel
MCALLISTER was born about 1825.
232. David MCALLISTER was born in 1824 in Montville
, Waldo , Maine .
He was married to MRS Mary J MCALLISTER. MRS Mary
J MCALLISTER was born about 1826.
Edward Alden [Aldon]
MCALISTER was born on June 23, 1834 in Burnham, Waldo , Maine. He died
on April 18, 1927 in Eugene, Lane , Oregon. Grandmother Arey said he was a
Baptist minister and a doctor both without training
SOURCE: family records in possession of Cecile daughter
of Arthur McAlister in Blue River Oregon. Eugene Register Guard Apr 19 1927
obituary on McAlister. Edward Albert copy of death certificate on McAlister,
Arthur Castle birth, death and marriage date confirmed by record in family
bible in possession of Ida Fay Mcallister's mother.
Research done in Searsport , Maine in the Penobscot
Marine Museum by Fred B. Huntington.
"Of course there's some question about the name
(and identity) of Great Grandfather McAlister himself--our records have him
as Edward Arden or Alden McAlister and have him born in 1837 in Burnham, Waldo
County, Maine. The records at the genealogy library there show no such name
(no child is listed for 1837 for that family, although there are ones at yearly
intervals before. If Edward Alden was indeed born in 1837, he would have been
the last child and unrecorded. The Maine records have an Alden McAlister born
there in 1834. So either Edward chose his first name himself (or it was omitted
in error from the census records) and got his birth year wrong or something
else is wrong.
Article, a copy of which is in possession of Nancy
Phillips, [2001] 332 S Brookcourt Springville Utah 84663
Pacific Coast Universalism-XI Asa M. Bradley from
The Christian Leader August 15 ,1936
Of the pioneer preachers, E. A. McAllister was the
only one personally known to me. He was born in Burnham , Maine , going to
California in 1855. His first work was as a Free Baptist missionary among
the mining camps, tramping with his pack on his back from place to place.
Thus he journeyed through Central California, and passed over into Oregon
. He was particularly well versed as a debater, having great command of the
Bible text. He related with evident relish the, Incident which resulted in
his turning to Universalism. He was to debate with A Universalist (I have
forgotten with whom), and having prepared his own argument, he thought it
well to study his opponent's side. Said he, "I soon made up my mind that
he had the best of it, and if he didn't beat me, it was his own fault."
He preached his first sermon as a Universalist at Coles Valley, Oregon. The
Register gives the date of his fellowship as 1875, but he was pastor at Roseburg
in 1873, and chairman of the Fellowship Committee at the organization of the
State Convention in 1874. He held several pastorates, and was by far the most
efficient of the preachers of that period. The church edifices at Dayton Wash. , and Lewiston , Idaho , were
built under his ministry. He received hundreds into church membership. He
began to practice medicine in a small way about the time he entered the Universalist
ministry. This was an easy step for him. He was peculiarly gifted with clairvoyance,
and had large experience with sickness in his itinerary among the miners.
The ministry did not, always give adequate support for the growing family,
and it was necessary at times to resort to other means. At one time it was
hauling freight from Scottsburg to Roseburg . In 1865 he was married to Miss
Samantha Cornell, a cultured and gifted woman, who in after years as a licensed
preacher rendered fine service. As has been noted, the pastorate at Albany
was attended with bitter experience, and the family became the first consideration.
The State University being located at Eugene, the family was moved there,
and, at great sacrifice, Mr. and Mrs. McAllister succeeded in giving their
six children liberal education. McAllister was a preacher whose word was with
power. He was of his time, the pioneer times. It was hard for him to adjust
to the more stable religious conditions brought about by the filling up of
the country with a more cultured people, and he shrank from the critical atmosphere
of the modem congregation. The Portland church entertained the State Conference
in 1897. The preachers present were Shined, Felt, McAllister and myself. I
had advertised McAllister to preach the closing sermon, Sunday evening. In
the afternoon he came to me in a panic, asking that I substitute for him,
saying: "Times have changed. These new people from the East laugh at
us old timers. "But there were those to be present who would come expressly
to hear the "old-timer". There were other old-timers attending who
had traveled long distances to enjoy the privileges of the meetings (Dr. Perils's
father and sister among them), to whom it would have been a grievous disappointment
not to hear the old-time voice telling again the old-time story. They eared
nothing for Shined or Felt or Brawny, they were waiting to hear the old-timer.
Cruel as it seemed, there was no choice but to insist that he carry out the
program, which he (did to the edification of a large congregation, preaching
a great sermon. The leading points remain in my memory even after the lapse
of years. Now for a story: One of our Sunday school boys, perhaps ten years
of age, came and seated himself beside me on the front seat, pillowed his
head in the hollow of my shoulder, and promptly fell asleep. Suddenly, McAllister,
pointing his finger, said, " Its no use to lick that boy," and then
proceeded to develop his thought. And I observed that Charlie was wide awake.
At the next circle meeting Charlie's mother brought me this story: She was
about to administer punishment, but Charlie don't flinch. "Ma, you mustn't
lick me. It don't do me any good: Dr. McAllister said so" Another incident.
Soon after the organization of the Spokane society McAllister, visiting some
former Lewiston parishioners, preached. Appreciating the cordiality of his
reception, he made a round of calls. Entering one home, he saw a little girl
lying on a couch. Without acknowledging the mother's greeting, he demanded,
"What's the matter with that child?" The mother been aware that
anything serious was the matter, but his unerring sense had revealed to him
a critical situation. Giving hasty directions to the mother, he went on the
run to the nearest drug store for the needed remedy, and he stayed by till
the danger was passed. A similar attack some months later resulted fatally.
Never did that father and mother forget the strange preacher, who stood not
on conventionality, but was quick to serve. McAllister was known all over
the three states 'of the Northwest, and notice that he was to preach invariably
drew those who remembered "old times." They recognized in him the
prophet whose word was "Thus saith the Lord." Again I cannot forbear
the word of regret. If there could only have been sent the trained ministers
to cultivate the fields which this pioneer, with large native endowment, and
splendid consecration, had cleared for them! "WHY? No funds. It would
be unfair to close this chapter without a word for the devoted women of these
churches of Spokane , Tacoma , and Portland , all of which churches were the
evolution of circles organized by Dr. Shined. In Spokane were Mrs. Ambrose
Wheedle, the tactful president of the circle, and Mrs. George Bacon. This
circle was the source of initiative, and justified itself in all ways. I think
that in later years Mrs. Wheedle was active in Los Angeles . She was a sister
of the Rev. Alexander Kent. Like may be said of the leaders of the Tacoma
circle, but they had their own minister. I was there only incidentally, and
the names escape with the passing of the years. In Portland
my study was in a room at the rear of the church auditorium, and which was
also used by the circle. These circle meetings were all-day affairs, the women
gathering in the forenoon, a detail preparing dinner-at which such of the
husbands as chanced to be in the vicinity might happen in, and also the minister
adjourning in time for preparing the home suppers. Close on the dot of 10
am would arrive simultaneously Mrs. Jones from Mt Tahor, Mrs. Averill from
the west side and Mrs. Davis from Piedmont, all grandmothers, and all back-East
Universalists. These were the leaders about whom the younger women rallied,
and their leading was safe and sane. I used to call them our Three Wise Women.
And it is in order here to speak of Dr. Shin's influence. There has been enough
said of his way of working, and of setting the women at work. He fully appreciated
their loyalty, and always began with the circle. There was much misapprehension
as to the potential value of his work. It has been frequently said in criticism,
"His churches didn't live." Now I purpose to say why. While the
people welcomed him, and would follow his leading, the ministry opposed him,
and he never had the cooperation of the denomination. One complained of his
going into a certain city, on the ground that he was intending to do so himself.
Shin's reply was, "You have been here ten years, and why haven't you?"
His work did not fail so long as it was his work, and so long as his leading
was followed. But as soon as he had passed on some one would appear to say
that it was all wrong and some other way was better. While on a business trip
to Chicago I called at our Western Headquarters, and was warned against him,
the phrase being: "He is running around starting sewing circles, and
calling them movements, and we do not recognize him in the least." (Possibly
this was why I joined hands with him.) At the General Convention in 1901,
there was determined action to restrict his work to the South, and thus the
Pacific State churches were cut off from his ministration. He never pushed
a society beyond its ability, and yet that was the rock on which every one
of those young churches was wrecked. He did not counsel the holding of regular
preaching services in San Francisco , regarded it as premature; he advised
against the suicidal moving. The failures were in variably through attempting
too much, not having patience to grow naturally, like the toad in the fable,
who thought he could be as big as the ox. Portland was a case in point. The
little meeting house don't amount to much, but it served its purpose, and
was all paid for. While the society stayed with it there was steady growth.
It is true, as the pastor said, there are those who will not come into a small,
unpretentious church building; but neither will they help pay a big debt on
the other kind. The time to build larger is when you have outgrown what you
have. Had we been content to follow the lines on which Dr. Shined started
us, we would have a line of churches across our country today. And had our
ministry cooperated instead of opposing, we should be writing a different
story. Dr. Shined was a man of vision, but he don't chase a mirage.
He was married to Samantha Almira CORNELL (daughter
of William CORNELL and Bostwick Emily CASTLE) on January 20, 1866 in Hillsboro
, Washington , Oregon 1st wife. Samantha Almira CORNELL was born on October
23, 1839 in St Albans Twp, Licking Ohio. She died on July 18, 1896 in Eugene,
Lane , Oregon . Dates of birth, death, and marriage confirmed from record
in family bible in possession of Ida Fay Mcallister's mother which is kept
in a safety deposit box and yellowed with age. (Reported to me 4/25/90 ) I
received a Xerox copy from Ida Fay.
Sources: data on descendants of Samantha Cornell McAlister
from Mrs. Norman Stedtfeld (Ell a McAlister, of Pocotello , Idaho ; Miss Kath
McAlister, of Blue River , Oregon ; Mrs Ellis Watkins (Doris McAlister) of
Eugene , Oregon ; Mrs. Edgar O. McAlister of Toolle , Utah ; Harold McAlister
of Stayton , Oregon.
Edward Alden [ Aldon] MCALISTER and Samantha Almira
CORNELL had the following children:
+425. i Edward Hirum MCALISTER was born on December
26, 1866
426. ii Albert Alden MCALISTER was born on November
8, 1869 in Oregon . He died on June 9, 1879 by drowning in Oregon .
+427. iii Seth Harley MCALISTER was born on July 6,
+428. iv Frank Nehemiah MCALISTER was born on December
30, 1874
+429. v Mary Lora MCALISTER was born on March 13,
+430. vi Ella Eva MCALISTER was born on February 6,
431. vii Lily MCALISTER was born on February 4, 1881
in Lewiston , Nez Perce Idaho. She died on February 4, 1881 in Lewiston ,
Nez Perce Idaho. Family bible record indicates she lived a few hours. Family
bible is in possession of Ida Fay Mcallister's mother ( 4/25/90 ).
+432. viii Arthur Castle MCALISTER was born on October
16, 1882
He was married to Mable McDonald 2nd Wife. Mable McDonald
was born on February 12, 1873 in Ontario , Canada
. She died on November 27, 1930 in Eugene, Lane , Oregon .
Edward Alden [ Aldon] MCALISTER and Mable McDonald
had the following children:
433. i. Fay MCALISTER was born on February 12, 1906
in Ontario , Canada . She died in
March 1960
+434. ii Harold MCALISTER was born on November 4,
239. John C. MCALLISTER was born on December 3, 1820
in Montville , Main . He died on February 10, 1885 .
He was married to MRS Frances MCALLISTER 1st wife.
MRS Frances MCALLISTER was born about 1820.
the following children:
+435. i John Frederick MCALLISTER was born on September
8 1851
+436. ii Frank B MCALLISTER was born in 1852
437. iii Joseph Frank MCALLISTER was born on February
3, 1855 . He died on October 2, 1856 .
438. iv Frank MCALLISTER was born in 1859. He died
on September 17, 1885 .
He was married to MRS Mary LITTLEFIELD 2nd Wife. MRS
Mary LITTLEFIELD was born about 1820.
240. Mary C MCALLISTER was born in 1822 in Montville
, Main . She died in 1852.
She was married to Eldridge STARBIRD. Eldridge STARBIRD
was born about 1822.
241. Emry Archibald MCALLISTER was born on March 28,
1826 in Liberty , Maine . He died on May 9, 1865 .
He was married to Abigail V. MARSH (daughter of Ziba
MARSH) Abigail V. MARSH was born about 1826.
Emry Archibald MCALLISTER and Abigail V. MARSH had
the following children:
+439. i Eugene R. MCALLISTER was born on October 26,
+440. ii George Francis MCALLISTER was born on January
1, 1855
243. Lucinda MCALLISTER was born on March 24, 1834
in Montville , Maine . She died on July 18, 1902 in Jefferson , Maine . She
was buried in 1902 in So Jefferson, Maine, Hopkin's Cemetery.
She was married to Moses ERSKINE in Maine . Moses
ERSKINE was born on April 5, 1830 in Jefferson , Maine . He died on May 26,
1912 in Jefferson , Maine . He was buried in 1912 in So. Jefferson , Maine
, Hopkin's Cemetery.
Lucinda MCALLISTER and Moses ERSKINE had the following
441. i George ERSKINE was born on February 13, 1858
in Jefferson , Maine . He died on March 3, 1862 in Jefferson , Maine age 4yrs
21 days. He was buried in Jefferson , Maine .
+442. ii Emma Rose ERSKINE was born about 1860
+443. iii Sarah Alma ERSKIN was born about 1861
+444. iv Samuel Dewhit ERSKINE was born about 1863
+445. v Carrie ERSKINE was born on August 4, 1866
+446. vi Moses ERSKINE was born in 1869
+447. vii Charles Winter ERSKINE was born in 1871
247. Elizabeth MCALLISTER was born in 1844 in Freedom,
Montville , Maine .
She was married to Jesse W.T, SMITH. Jesse W.T, SMITH
was born about 1842.
248. Harriet N MCALLISTER was born about 1846 in Montville
, Main .
She was married to Nathan WHITTEN. Nathan WHITTEN
was born about 1844.
Harriet N MCALLISTER and Nathan WHITTEN had the following
+448. i Lenora J WHITTEN was born about 1875
250. Samuel MCALLISTER was born in 1828 in Montville
Maine . He died on May 9, 1899 .
He was married to Harriet Caroline HOWLETT in 1857.
Harriet Caroline HOWLETT was born about 1840. She died on September 22, 1883
Samuel MCALLISTER and Harriet Caroline HOWLETT had
the following children:
+449. i George Shephard MCALLISTER was born about
251. Richard MCALLISTER was born on February 7, 1830
in Montville , Maine . He died on April 3, 1882 in Calcutta ,
India .
He was married to Charity Alma MEARS about 1855. Charity
Alma MEARS was born in 1828. She died in 1910 in Aylmer Quebec Canada.
Richard MCALLISTER and Charity Alma MEARS had the
following children:
+450. i Elva MCALLISTER was born about 1860
+451. ii Alma Boyd MCALLISTER was born on May 4, 1862
+452. iii Sarah Elinor MCALLISTER was born on August
18, 1864
+453. iv Richard MCALLISTER was born on January 10,
253. Ralph MCALLISTER was born on September 4, 1841
in Montville Waldo Maine. He died on February 3, 1937 in Wakenney Kansas age
95. He was buried in Riverview Cemetery Kiowa, Kansas .
The following biography was taken from the "History
of Howard and Chariton Counties "
That energy enterprise and thrift are characteristics
of the New Englander, is forcible illustrated in the life of Mr. McAllister.
Starting out west from his eastern home at the age of 20 with nothing but
his energy and intelligence he has seen much of the country beyond the Mississippi
. He has steadily ascended the steps of success in life until now as a resident
of Cunningham Kansas , he ranks as one of the leading merchants and citizen
of that section of the country. In 1861 he came out to ILL and taught school
in Bradford Stark County ILL. He then pushed West to colorado
and taught the first white school ever at Blackhawk County . In 1864 he returned
eastward as far as Omaha Nebraska
where he engaged in clerking and then merchandising on his own account. There
he married in 1872. Two years after his marriage he came to Missouri and followed
farming in Carroll County but in 1875 engaged in Merchandizing in DeKalb.
The following spring he came to Cunningham Kansas and has since been engaged
in business here. He is a member of the Baptist church, the Masonic lodge
and the A.O.U.W. Ralph first went to Kiowa, Kansas in 1884, bought his home
site at the edge of town and returned to Cunningham. In 1886 ,he moved his
family to Kiowa and started a general merchandise business. About 1934 he
and his wife left Kiowa to live with a son, Charles and family in Denver CO
and a daughter and son in law Dr and Mrs JA Burnett in Wakeeny Kansas .
He was married to Elizabeth C HOBBIE (daughter of
Z HOBBIE) on July 17, 1872 1st wife. Elizabeth C HOBBIE was born on May 5,
1847 in Syracuse , Onondaga NY She died in 1891 in Kiowa Kansas at age 44.
She was buried in Riverview cemetery Kiowa, Kansas .
Ralph MCALLISTER and Elizabeth C. HOBBIE had the following
+454. i Charles Ralph MCALLISTER was born on March
20, 1873
+455. ii May MCALLISTER was born about 1874
+456. iii Frances MCALLISTER was born on June 7, 1875
457. iv George H MCALLISTER was born about 1880 in
Cunningham , Kansas .
458. v Florence MCALLISTER was born about 1883 in
Cunningham , Kansas .
+459. vi Mary Grace MCALLISTER was born on August
14, 1885
466. vii Elizabeth MCALLISTER Twin was born in 1891
in Cunningham , Kansas . She died in 1973 Unmarried.
461. viii Child MCALLISTER Twin was born in 1891 in
Cunningham , Kansas . He (or she) died in 1891 in Cunningham , Kansas infancy.
He was married to Elizabeth M. WELLS on November 24,
1892 in Kiowa, Kansas 2nd Wife. Elizabeth M. WELLS was born about 1847.
254. Ellen Waity MCALLISTER was born on August 7, 1842
in Freedom, Waldo , Maine . She died on October 27, 1904 in Sumner , Missouri
. She was buried in Lakeside Cemetery , Sumner , Missouri . After her Mothers
death on Oct 25 ,1848 the children were apparently separated and lived with
different relatives. Waity Ellen was not located on any census in Maine that
was checked, so it is not known where she grew to womanhood. There was a close
tie with her Aunt Rosanna McAllister Erskin and she was spoken of with a great
deal of affection through the years. It may be that Ellen lived with her at
times. The Town meeting Records of Montville, Maine noted on March 2 1858
the published intention of marriage for Waity McAllister of Jefferson and
James Nesmith of Montville . It is not known when Ellen and James moved from
Maine to Missouri . It was after March 9 1865.The date of the birth of their
son James Edwin. A quick claim deed dated 20 Nov 1868 was found in Carroll
County, MO deeds; Vol. 6,p.471. It gives as one of the parties James A Nesmith
and Waity E Nesmith his wife and also sister and one of the legal heirs of
Charles A. McAllister deceased. It gives their residence as Mower County in
the State of Minnesota. Nothing more is known of their Res. there. A quick
claim deed dated 6 Sep 1872 shows Ellen bought land in Carroll County from
Alfred McAllister. James Nesmith did not sign the deed
She was married to James A NESMITH on March 22, 1858
in Montville, Maine. James A NESMITH was born on September 12, 1826 in Montville,
Maine. He died before 1872 in Prob. Carroll County MO
Ellen Waity MCALLISTER and James A NESMITH had the
following children:
462. i Frank H NESMITH was born on January 29, 1859
in Montville, Maine. He died on February 5, 1859 in Montville, Maine.
463. ii Nellie Maria NESMITH was born on April 25,
1860 in Montville, Maine.
464. iii Hattie Leona NESMITH was born on May 29,
1862 in Montville, Maine.
465. iv Ralph NESMITH was born on December 1, 1863
in Jefferson, Maine. He died on May 1, 1864 in Jefferson, Maine.
+466. v Benjamin M NESMITH was born in 1864
467. vi James Edwin NESMITH was born on December 1,
1865 in Jefferson, Maine
+468. vii Frank Erskine NESMITH was born in 1866
+469. viii Minnie Bell NESMITH was born on February
18, 1872
She was married to James Nelson P. SHANNON on March
22, 1874 in Missouri 2nd marriage for both. James Nelson P. SHANNON was born
on February 15, 1817 in Ohio. He died on October 22, 1898 in Sumner, Missouri.
He was buried in Lakeside Cemetery, Sumner, Missouri.
Ellen Waity MCALLISTER and James Nelson P. SHANNON
had the following children:
+470. i. Charles Nelson SHANNON was born on June 29,
+471. ii William Sherman SHANNON was born on July
12, 1876
+472. iii Lewis Henry SHANNON was born on March 5,
+473. iv Ethel Ellen SHANNON was born on December
7, 1882
256. Bradford MCALLISTER was born on August 6, 1846
in Montville, Waldo, Maine. He died on February 21, 1922 in Marceline, Missouri.
He was buried in Mt.Olivet Cemetery, Marceline, Missouri.
He was married to Malinda Jane BROWN (daughter of
Nelson BROWN and Rebecca GRIFFIN) on March 13, 1870 in Carroll County, Missouri
1st Wife. Malinda Jane BROWN was born on October 1, 1849 in Topton, Moniteau,
Missouri. She was baptized on September 16, 1851 in a Baptist Church. She
died on October 14, 1913 in Marceline, Missouri. She was buried in Mt.Olivet
Cemetery, Marceline, Missouri.
Bradford MCALLISTER and Malinda Jane BROWN had the
following children:
+474. i. Laura Esther MCALLISTER was born on February
13, 1871
+475. ii Charles Arthur MCALLISTER was born on March
30 1872
+476. iii Mary Emma MCALLISTER was born on March 16,
+477. iv William Alfred MCALLISTER was born on January
1, 1876
478. v Susan Louise MCALLISTER was born on April 23,
1878 She died on June 11, 1880.
+479. vi Ralph Nelson MCALLISTER was born on August
7, 1880
+480. vii Chester Bradford MCALLISTER was born on
September 28 1882
+481. viii Ross Brown MCALLISTER was born on August
15, 1884
+482. ix John Winfield MCALLISTER was born on September
8 1886
483. x Olive Ann [ Poose] MCALLISTER was born on October
14, 1888 in Bosworth, Carroll, Missouri. She died on August 15, 1974 in Brookfield
Missouri Unmarried. She was buried in Mt Olivet Cemetery Marceline Missouri.
+484. xi Hazel Brown MCALLISTER was born on May 19,
+485. xii Earl MCALLISTER was born on April 13, 1896
He was married to Della PANKEY on July 15, 1914 in
Marceline, Missouri 2nd Wife. Della PANKEY was born about 1850. She died after
262. Eliza McLaughlin was born about 1822.
She was married to Mr. STILLWELL. Mr. STILLWELL was
born about 1820
Eliza McLaughlin and Mr. STILLWELL had the following
486. i Emily STILLWELL was born about 1843
487. ii Henry McAllaster STILLWELL was born about
268. Margaret PLATT was born about 1825
She was married to Solomon H MERLIN. Solomon H MERLIN
was born about 1825
275. Sophia PRESTON was born about 1835
She was married to Jno P HARP in 1861. They had 1
Child. Jno P HARP was born about 1832
278. Charles Albert MCALLASTER was born on December
8, 1848 in Watertown, New York. He died on April 13, 1920 in Leoti, Kansas.
He was married to Emily MCALLASTER (daughter of James
Edwin MCALLASTER and Laura Adlissa CHASE) on May 8, 1879 in Lawrence, Kansas.
They were 2nd cousins. Emily MCALLASTER was born on June 8, 1860 in Burlington,
Iowa. She died on January 29, 1942.
Charles Albert MCALLASTER and Emily MCALLASTER had
the following children:
488. i Stella MCALLASTER was born on September 6,
1880 in Kansas. She died on December 13, 1880 in Kansas.
+489. ii Mabel M MCALLASTER was born on March 9, 1882
+490. iii James Albert MCALLASTER was born on September
24 1885
+491. iv Myra Etta MCALLASTER was born on December
15, 1887
+492. v Rollin Marquis MCALLASTER was born on January
17 1892
+493. vi Ernest Edwin MCALLASTER was born on September
7, 1894
280. Caroline [Carrie] MCALLASTER was born in 1852
in Antwerp, Jefferson NY
She was married to Byron PAYNE. Byron PAYNE was born
about 1852. He died in 1886.
281. Pitt MCALLASTER was born in 1855 in Antwerp, Jefferson
He was married to unknown.
Pitt MCALLASTER had the following children:
494. i Elial MCALLASTER was born about 1878.
495. ii May MCALLASTER was born about 1880.
496. iii Glen MCALLASTER was born about 1883.
283. Harriet [Hattie] MCALLASTER was born in 1858 in
Antwerp, Jefferson NY
She was married to UNKNOWN in 1883.
285. Ettie MCALLASTER was born in 1867 in Antwerp,
Jefferson, NY
She was married to Mr. HOLT about 1890 in Waitsburg,
Washington. Mr. HOLT was born about 1867.
Ettie MCALLASTER and Mr. HOLT had the following children:
+497. i Frances Hazel HOLT was born about 1892
292. Florence HOLDEN was born about 1847. She died
in 1867.
She was married to Mr. ISDELL about 1866. Mr. ISDELL
was born about 1846.
Florence HOLDEN and Mr. ISDELL had the following children:
+498. i Flora ISDELL was born in 1867
293. Henry CHANDLER was born on October 30, 1830 in
Meredith, NH
He was married to Abbie J BOND about 1855. Abbie J
BOND was born about 1830.
Henry CHANDLER and Abbie J BOND had the following
+499. i Sally M. CHANDLER was born about 1856
500. ii Annie B. CHANDLER was born about 1859 in Meredith,
+501. iii Alice M. CHANDLER was born about 1865
+502. iv George Henry CHANDLER was born about 1867
304. George Byron CHANDLER was born on November 18
1832 in Meredith NH
He was married to Flora A. DANIELS in 1862 in Meredith,
NH 1st wife No Issue. Flora A. DANIELS was born about 1838 in Meredith, New
Hampshire. She died in 1868 in Meredith, NH
He was married to Fannie R. MARTIN in 1870 in Meredith,
NH 2nd wife. Fannie R. MARTIN was born about 1840 in Meredith, NH
George Byron CHANDLER and Fannie R. MARTIN had the
following children:
+503. i Benjamin Martin CHANDLER was born about 1872
504. ii Alexander Rice CHANDLER was born in 1876 in
Meredith NH He died in 1878 in Meredith, NH
505. iii Byron CHANDLER was born in 1879 in Meredith,
305. John M. CHANDLER was born on November 3, 1834
in Meredith, NH He died on December 5, 1901.
He was married to Lavinia Pease FORS in 1860 1st wife.
Lavinia Pease FORS was born about 1836.
John M. CHANDLER and Lavinia Pease FORS had the following
+506. i. Mary CHANDLER was born about 1862
507. ii. Eloise CHANDLER was born about 1865.
He was married to Lucy RUGGLES 2nd Wife. Lucy RUGGLES
was born about 1840.
306. Elizabeth Jane GIBSON was born on April 11, 1834
in Ann Arbor, Mich.
She was married to George Henry OAKES about 1852 1st
Husb George Henry OAKES was born about 1834. He died on February 21, 1868.
Elizabeth Jane GIBSON and George Henry OAKES had the
following children:
508. i. Martha Jane OAKES was born on September 28,
1854. She died on July 27, 1855.
509. ii. George Lewis OAKES was born on December 12,
1855. He died on March 25, 1856.
She was married to Thomas Chatterton SCHELL 2nd Husb
Thomas Chatterton SCHELL was born about 1834. He died on September 2, 1882.
307. Adelaide GIBSON was born on March 15, 1840 in
Ann Arbor, Mich.
She was married to Amos B. DUNN on February 28, 1856.
Amos B. DUNN was born about 1840. He died on July 2, 1882.
Adelaide GIBSON and Amos B. DUNN had the following
+510. i. Margaret Louise DUNN was born on August 9,
511. ii. Loretta DUNN was born on June 2, 1869. She
died on June 23, 1869.
308. Loretta GIBSON was born on December 18, 1841 in
Ann Arbor, Mich.
She was married to Curtis Grant LEWIS on January 6,
1869. Curtis Grant LEWIS was born about 1841. He died on April 29, 1897.
Loretta GIBSON and Curtis Grant LEWIS had the following
+512. i. Grace LEWIS was born on October 29, 1869
513. ii. Maud LEWIS was born on August 24, 1875.
514. iii. Curtis Grant LEWIS JR. was born on May 13,
1882. He died on June 8, 1882.
309. Cassius Clay GIBSON was born on December 29, 1844.
He was married to Elizabeth ROBINSON on November 29,
1889. Elizabeth ROBINSON was born about 1844.
310. John Gilman MCALLASTER M.D. was born on December
9, 1841 in Bedford, NH He lived in Lawrence, Mass
He was married to Almeda Norton TIRRELL on October
19, 1869. Almeda Norton TIRRELL was born about 1845 in Nashua, New Hampshire.
She lived in Lawrence, Mass 
John Gilman MCALLASTER M.D. and Almeda Norton TIRRELL
had the following children:
515. i. Fredrick Danforth MCALLASTER M.D. was born
on October 2, 1872 in Lawrence Mass He lived in Lawrence, Mass
516. ii. REV. Frank Barr MCALLASTER was born on September
17, 1874 in Lawrence Mass He lived in Bedford, Hillsboro New Hampshire.
517. iii. Grace Tirrell MCALLASTER was born on February
2, 1880 in Lawrence, Mass
518. iv. Helen Webster MCALLASTER was born on January
24, 1884.
311. Frank Tisdale MCALLASTER was born on October 28,
1862 in Bedford, NH He lived in Denver, CO
He was married to Minnie C. HARTFORD on October 26,
1899. She was a widow with 3 children. Minnie C. HARTFORD was born about 1862.
She lived in Denver, CO
313. Adelaide Louisa MCALLASTER was born on October
13, 1865 in Bedford, NH She died on December 6, 1940.
She was married to Robert D.W. MCKAY on July 5, 1892
in Manchester, NH 1st husb She was divorced from Robert D.W. MCKAY. Robert
D.W. MCKAY was born about 1865 in Manchester, NH
Adelaide Louisa MCALLASTER and Robert D.W. MCKAY had
the following children:
+519. i . Grace Maude MCKAY was born on May 6, 1893
+520. ii. Verna Tisdale MCKAY was born on November
22, 1894
She was married to William E. FELCH 2nd Husb William
E. FELCH was born about 1865.
314. Arthur Little MCALLASTER was born on January
8, 1870 in Bedford NH
He was married to Josephine E. CASS on January 8,
1895 in Manchester NH Josephine E. CASS was born about 1875 in Manchester
Arthur Little MCALLASTER and Josephine E. CASS had
the following children:
521. i. Norman Francis MCALLASTER was born on April
4, 1896 in Manchester, NH
531 ii. Frederick Tisdale MCALLASTER was born on January
16, 1898 in Manchester, NH
318. Josephine Louise MOORE was born on December 8,
1838. She lived in Michigan.
She was married to Sullivan M. CUTCHEON on December
8, 1859 in Detroit, Mich. Sullivan M. CUTCHEON was born about 1838. He lived
in Michigan.
Josephine Louise MOORE and Sullivan M. CUTCHEON had
the following children:
+523. i. Louis CUTCHEON was born on October 22, 1860
524. ii. Sullivan CUTCHEON was born on October 20,
1871 in Michigan He died on September 13, 1876.
319. Adeline M. MOORE was born on November 12, 1842.
She was married to Robert W. HEMPHILL on May 12, 1863
in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Robert W. HEMPHILL was born about 1842.
Adeline M. MOORE and Robert W. HEMPHILL had the following
525. i. Robert W HEMPHILL JR. was born on September
19, 1864.
+526. ii. Charles M. HEMPHILL was born on April 4,
+527. iii. Josephine HEMPHILL was born on September
1, 1872
320. Charles MOORE was born on October 20, 1855.
He was married to Alice W. MERRIAM on June 27, 1879.
Alice W. MERRIAM was born about 1857 in Middleton, Mass
Charles MOORE and Alice W. MERRIAM had the following
528 . i. McAllaster MOORE was born on March 17, 1881.
529. ii. Merriam MOORE was born on August 11, 1890.
322. Helen Frances MCALLASTER was born on June 26,
1857 in Bedford, NH
She was married to Wilfred S. CHAPLIN about 1880.
Wilfred S. CHAPLIN was born about 1855 in Georgetown, Mass
Helen Frances MCALLASTER and Wilfred S. CHAPLIN had
the following children:
530. i. Carleton McAllaster CHAPLIN was born on June
15, 1881.
531. ii. Hester Helen CHAPLIN was born on January
15, 1883.
532. iii. Henry Prescot CHAPLIN was born on February
2, 1885.
533. iv. Infant CHAPLIN was born on December 23, 1886.
He (or she) died on January 1, 1887.
534. v. John Howard CHAPLIN was born on December 4,
323. John Goffe MCALLASTER Twin was born on September
23, 1860 in Bedford, NH
He was married to Mary Frances VOSE on October 17,
1888 in Bedford, NH Mary Frances VOSE was born in February 1865.
John Goffe MCALLASTER Twin and Mary Frances VOSE had
the following children:
535. i. Richard Vose MCALLASTER was born on May 9,
536. ii. William Riddle MCALLASTER was born on May
7, 1895.
537. iii. John Parker MCALLASTER was born on October
31, 1897.
324. Jannie Aiken MCALLASTER Twin was born on September
23, 1860 in Bedford, NH
She was married to Fred A FRENCH on June 18, 1889
in Bedford, NH Fred A FRENCH was born about 1860.
325. Gilman MCALLASTER was born on November 4, 1868
in Bedford, NH He died on January 24, 1936 in Manchester, NH
He was married to Bessie M WASLEY on July 26, 1898.
Bessie M WASLEY was born on August 16, 1874. She died on August 16, 1942 in
Manchester, NH
Gilman MCALLASTER and Bessie M WASLEY had the following
+538. i. Helen Louise MCALLASTER was born on April
6, 1900
+539. ii. Dorothy MCALLASTER was born on December
8, 1904
328. Willis Byron KENDALL was born on March 12, 1857
in Bedford, NH He lived in Manchester, NH.
He was married to Florence M PIKE on June 2, 1891
no Issue. Florence M PIKE was born about 1860. She lived in Manchester, NH
329. George McAllaster KENDALL was born on November
4, 1858 in Bedford, NH He lived in Buffalo, NY.
He was married to Veronica Marie CONRAD on June 25,
1902. Veronica Marie CONRAD was born about 1864 She was from Buffalo, NY She
lived in Buffalo, NY.
330. Elmer Ellsworth KENDALL was born on March 20,
1861 in Bedford, NH He lived in Chicago, Cass, ILL
He was married to Adela Frances PARKER on June 30,
Adela Frances PARKER was born about 1865 in From Chicago,
ILL She lived in Chicago, Cass, ILL
Elmer Ellsworth KENDALL and Adela Frances PARKER had
the following children:
540. i. Elma Esther KENDALL was born on April 7, 1887
in Chicago, ILL
541. ii. Helen Adela KENDALL was born on September
10, 1888 in Chicago, ILL
542. iii. Florence Frances KENDALL was born on August
9, 1891 in Chicago, ILL
543. iv. Parker KENDALL was born on June 13, 1894
in Chicago ILL
544. v. Elizabeth KENDALL was born about 1896
545. vi. Charlotte Lillian KENDALL was born on February
18, 1898 in Chicago ILL
337. Harriet HOWARD was born about 1840 in Boston,
She was married to DR. WATERMAN in Boston Mass DR.
WATERMAN was born about 1840.
343. BIRDSALL Allen MCALLASTER was born on October
10, 1860 in Morristown, NY. He died on June 9, 1955 in Lafayette, Contra Costa,
He was married to Mary Lizzie TURNER on June 9, 1885
in Kansas City, MO Mary Lizzie TURNER was born on June 9, 1865 in Wheeling,
WV She died on April 20, 1940.
Birdsall MCALLASTER was a railroad man. He was born
a railroad man. His father was the Land Commissioner for the Union Pacific
Railroad until his death, at which Birdsall was given that job. He was well
known & liked by many in RICE COUNTY, KANSAS. Everytime he passed through
central Kansas he would stop for a visit with our grandparents. Some of our
parents also knew him. His name appears on many of the land titles in Rice
County, Kansas. McAllaster, Kansas , a small town in northwest Kansas is said
to have been named after Birdsall. McAllaster, Kansas is the town that is
too tough to die, but is almost to fade away. I have been told that there
is still the grain elevator, the railroad, and one house that make up the
town. Hopefully the U.S. 40 highway still has the "town marker" signs as you
enter the town from the east, or west.
February 2003. This is a portion of a letter I
Dear Mr. McAllaster,
I am a historian writing a book about the history
of the Southern Pacific Railroad, to be published soon by the University
of California Press. For months I have been trying to find a photograph
of Birdsall A. McAllaster, who was transfered in 1908 from the Union Pacific
to become the land commissioner of the Southern Pacific Railroad, with headquarters
in San Francisco. He retired in 1933 and lived in the region until he died
in 1955. McAllaster became an important executive with the Southern Pacific
and a major figure in many significant agricultural and water developments
in California and the Far West generally that had a big influence on the
development of the region. He's one of the three or four men who are the
heroes in my book, and I write a great deal about him in several of the
book's chapters.
Thank you, Richard Orsi
Department of History
California State University, Hayward
Hayward, CA 94542
the following children:
+546. i. Turner MCALLASTER was born on August 10,
547. ii. Benjamin MCALLASTER was born on March 14,
346. Warren James MCALLASTER was born on April 14,
1856 in Burlington, Iowa. He died on September 10, 1930 in Mitchell, Kansas.
He was married to Mary Bell ORM on August 8, 1897
in Mitchell, Kansas. Mary Bell ORM was born on August 15, 1876 in Iroquois
County, ILL. She died on August 28, 1964 in Hutchinson, Kansas.
Warren James MCALLASTER and Mary Bell ORM had the
following children:
+548. i. Myra Jane MCALLASTER was born on April 16,
+549. ii. Edwin Sabinos [ Bine] MCALLASTER was born
on April 29, 1899
349. Emily MCALLASTER was born on June 8, 1860 in Burlington,
Iowa. She died on January 29, 1942.
She was married to Charles Albert MCALLASTER (son
of Alexander Hamilton MCALLASTER and Louisa Annett WAITE) on May 8, 1879 in
Lawrence, Kansas. They were 2nd cousins. Charles Albert MCALLASTER was born
on December 8, 1848 in Watertown, Jefferson, NY He died on April 13, 1920
in Leoti, Kansas.
Emily MCALLASTER and Charles Albert MCALLASTER had
the following children:
488. i. Stella MCALLASTER was born on September 6,
+489. ii. Mabel M MCALLASTER was born on March 9,
+490. iii. James Albert MCALLASTER was born on September
24 1885
+491. iv. Myra Etta MCALLASTER was born on December
15, 1887
+492. v. Rollin Marquis MCALLASTER was born on January
17 1892
+493. vi. Ernest Edwin MCALLASTER was born on September
7, 1894
350. Benjamin Edwin MCALLASTER was born on February
23, 1863 in Burlington, Iowa. He died on September 4, 1925.
He was married to Emma Ben HENSLEY on October 5, 1886
in Mitchell, Kansas. Emma Ben HENSLEY was born on April 1, 1866 in Indianapolis,
Indiana. She died on April 13, 1927.
Benjamin Edwin MCALLASTER and Emma Ben HENSLEY had
the following children:
+550. i. Wilford Hensley MCALLASTER was born on October
28, 1888
+551. ii. Glen Edwin MCALLASTER was born on October
9, 1892
+552. iii. Clara Maude MCALLASTER was born on October
6, 1893
+553. iv. Guy Carey MCALLASTER was born on May 15,
+554. v. Florence MCALLASTER was born on November
24, 1897
555. vi. John James MCALLASTER was born in 1898 in
Mitchell, Kansas. He died in 1901 in Mitchell, Kansas.
556. vii. Marion MCALLASTER was born in 1899 in Mitchell,
Kansas. She died on July 19, 1901 in Mitchell, Kansas.
+557. viii. Laura Jane MCALLASTER was born on October
2, 1900
558. ix. Fred MCALLASTER was born in 1902 in Mitchell,
+559. x. Benjamin Howell MCALLASTER was born on September
2, 1903
352. Myra MCALLASTER was born on March 24, 1870 in
Danville, Iowa.
She was married to Robert BOYD on May 31, 1893 in
Lawrence, Kansas. Robert BOYD was born about 1870.
353. Laura MCALLASTER was born on July 31, 1872 in
Des Moines, Iowa.
She was married to MR. WILLIAMSON Mr. WILLIAMSON was
born about 1872.
354. Edna MCALLASTER was born on February 27, 1877
in Lawrence, Douglass, Kansas. She died on August 17, 1901 in Kansas City,
Jackson, Kansas.
She was married to Joseph Edgar BEAN January 03, 1900
in Lyons, Rice, Kansas, son of Nathan BEAN and Rachel FRYE. He was born June
13, 1874 in Rice County, Kansas, and died October 16, 1936 in McPherson, McPherson,
More About Edna McAllaster:
Burial: Lyons, Rice, Kansas
Edna MCALLASTER and Joseph Edgar BEAN had the following
+560. i. Lester Everett BEAN, born June 29, 1901 in
Kansas City, Jackson, Kansas; died June 03, 1974 in Prosser, Benton, Washington.
359. Frances METCALF was born about 1847.
She was married to J.J. MCDERUID. J.J. MCDERUID was
born about 1845.
361. Phiranda BUTTERFIELD was born in November 1816
in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY
He was married to Margaret DANIELS. Margaret DANIELS
was born about 1816.
Phiranda BUTTERFIELD and Margaret DANIELS had the
following children:
561. i. Adelaide BUTTERFIELD was born about 1836.
562. ii. Clinton BUTTERFIELD was born about 1838.
563. iii. Henry BUTTERFIELD was born about 1840.
564. iv. Rolla BUTTERFIELD was born about 1842.
565. v. Frank
BUTTERFIELD was born about 1844.
362. Mary Ann BUTTERFIELD was born on May 16, 1818
in Antwerp Jefferson NY She died on April 9, 1901 in Black River Jefferson,
She was married to REV Albert PARSONS. REV Albert
PARSONS was born about 1815.
363. Emeline BUTTERFIELD was born on March 20, 1820
in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY She died on May 26, 1885 in Jefferson County NY
She was married to William Henry SPRINGSTEEN. William
Henry SPRINGSTEEN was born about 1820.
364. William W BUTTERFIELD was born on March 24, 1822
in Antwerp, Jefferson NY He died on September 22, 1909 in Redwood, NY He was
buried in Redwood Cemetery, Redwood Jefferson NY
He was married to Laura T. STEVENS on August 14, 1856.
Laura T. STEVENS was born on November 2, 1825 on a Farm in Vermont. She died
on July 7, 1903 in Redwood, NY She was buried in Redwood Cemetery, Redwood
Jefferson NY
William W BUTTERFIELD and Laura T. STEVENS had the
following children:
+566. i. Laura BUTTERFIELD was born on May 2, 1857
365. Nancy BUTTERFIELD was born on November 24, 1824
in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY
She was married to Andrew C. MIDDLETON. Andrew C.
MIDDLETON was born about 1822.
367. Charles Emerson BUTTERFIELD was born on July 4,
1828 in Redwood, Jefferson, NY He died on May 24, 1884 in Bellevue, Sarpy,
Nebraska. He was buried on May 26, 1884 in Bellevue, Sarpy, Nebraska.
He was married to Isabelle STEBBINS (daughter of Joel
STEBBINS and Rose CALVIN) about 1849 in Bellevue, Sarpy, Nebraska. Isabelle
STEBBINS was born on August 20, 1833 in New York State. She died on January
28, 1907 in Neola, Pottawattamie, Iowa. She was buried on January 30, 1907
in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska.
Charles Emerson BUTTERFIELD and Isabelle STEBBINS
had the following children:
+567. i Sarah Jane BUTTERFIELD was born on April 17,
+568. ii Francisca [Frances] BUTTERFIELD was born on
December 17, 1853
+569. iii Albert Parsons BUTTERFIELD was born on June
6, 1859
+570. iv Carrie Isabelle BUTTERFIELD was born on September
8, 1861
+571. v Polly Amelia BUTTERFIELD was born on February
13, 1866
572. vi William Wallace BUTTERFIELD was born on February
13, 1868 in Bellevue, Sarpy, Nebraska. He died in 1889.
+573. vii Charles Adolphus BUTTERFIELD was born on
February 9, 1869
+574. viii Mary Helen BUTTERFIELD was born on September
13, 1870
+575. ix George BUTTERFIELD was born on November 17,
576. x Clayton Emerson BUTTERFIELD Twin was born on
May 15, 1875 in Bellevue Sarpy Nebraska. He died in 1877 in Bellevue Sarpy
577. xi Clinton Patterson BUTTERFIELD Twin was born
on May 15, 1875 in Bellevue, Sarpy, Nebraska.
+578. xii Orilla May BUTTERFIELD was born on October
22, 1877
368. Isabell A. BUTTERFIELD was born on September 24,
1830 in Redwood, Jefferson, NY
She was married to Benjamin FRANKLIN. Benjamin FRANKLIN
was born about 1828.
374. Carrie BUTTERFIELD was born on October 25, 1846
in Redwood, NY She died on October 30, 1899 in Jefferson County NY
She was married to Henry C. HOFFMAN. Henry C. HOFFMAN
was born about 1845.
375. Adelaide Philadelphia MCALLASTER was born on May
31, 1833 in Antwerp Jefferson NY She died on January 10, 1913 in Erie, PA
She was married to CAPT John Stevens RICHARDS on September
19, 1853 CAPT John Stevens RICHARDS was born on May 21, 1821. He died on April
23, 1897. They had three children
Adelaide Philadelphia MCALLASTER and CAPT John Stevens
RICHARDS had the following children:
+579. i Mary RICHARDS was born on July 27, 1861
+580. ii Adelaide RICHARDS was born in 1864
376. Harriet A. MCALLASTER was born on December 14,
1835 in Rossie ST Lawrence NY She died on August 2, 1897.
She was married to LT Samuel EDWARDS on December 23,
1856 LT Samuel EDWARDS was born about 1833. They had one child
378. William H. MCALLASTER was born on October 24,
1841 in Erie, PA
He was married to Martha Jane COFFE (daughter of John
COFFE and Jane RIDDLE) Martha Jane COFFE was born about 1836. She died on
January 10, 1898.
379. Mary E MCALLASTER was born on February 20, 1844
in Erie, PA
She was married to John W. REYNOLDS on October 3,
1867 John W. REYNOLDS was born about 1844. They had two children
386. Helen MCALLASTER was born on October 25, 1828
in Antwerp NY
She died in 1872 in Gouverneur NY She is buried in
Riverside Cemetery Gouverneur NY section F see Ann Cady web page for cemetery
She was married to Randolph LOOMIS. Randolph LOOMIS
was born about 1828.
387. Joseph Emerson MCALLASTER ESQ was born on January
26, 1833 in Antwerp NY He died In 1919 in Gouverneur NY He is buried in Riverside
Cemetery Gouverneur NY section F see Ann Cady web page for cemetery photo
He was married to Maria FREEMAN about 1858 in Gouverneur
NY 1st wife. Marie FREEMAN was born in 1835 She died in 1867 and is buried
in Riverside Cemetery Gouverneur NY with her husband
Joseph Emerson MCALLASTER ESQ and Maria FREEMAN had
the following children:
+581. i. Adelaide M. MCALLASTER was born on October
28, 1859
582. ii. Frederick MCALLASTER was born on November
15, 1861 in Redwood NY He died on February 22, 1901 and is buried in Riverside
cemetery Gouverneur NY see Ann Cady web page for cemetery photo
583. iii. Alice [Allie] MCALLASTER was born on September
8, 1863 in Redwood NY She died on September 20, 1863 in Redwood, NY
+584. iv. Archie Freeman MCALLASTER was born on August
17, 1865
+585. v. Maggie MCALLASTER was born about 1870).
He was married to Julia M Smith SPENCER (daughter
of COL. J.M. SPENCER) on February 11, 1874 in Gouverneur NY 2nd marriage for
both. Julia M Smith SPENCER was born in 1842 in Gouverneur NY She died on
March 20, 1878 in Gouverneur NY at age 36. She is buried in Riverside cemetery
Gouverneur NY section F See Ann Cady web page for cemetery Photo
388. Ann Julia BOSTWICK was born on October 11, 1830
in Rutland Jefferson NY She died on September 6, 1872 in Oxbow NY
She was married to David Schuyler HINSDALE on February
24, 1853 in Rossie ST Lawrence NY David Schuyler HINSDALE was born on April
27, 1825 in Antwerp Jefferson NY He died on September 17, 1872 in Oxbow NY
Ann Julia BOSTWICK and David Schuyler HINSDALE had
the following children:
+586. i. Elizabeth HINSDALE was born on April 16, 1854
+587. ii. Sarah HINSDALE was born on December 24, 1855
588. iii. Elial Wait HINSDALE was born on July 3, 1858
in Oxbow NY He died unmarried.
+589. iv. Nicol Cooper HINSDALE was born on April 9,
389. Sarah Jane BOSTWICK was born on August 13, 1832
in Rutland, Jefferson NY She was buried in 1864 in Riverside, Cemetery, Rossie
ST Lawrence NY She died on April 27, 1864 in Rossie, ST Lawrence, NY
She was married to Christopher Columbus NOTT (son
of Reubin NOTT and Olive BAILEY) on March 30, 1858 in Rossie, ST Lawrence,
NY Christopher Columbus NOTT was born on December 20, 1830 in Sommerville,
ST Lawrence NY He died on August 19, 1919 in Denver, CO
Sarah Jane BOSTWICK and Christopher Columbus NOTT
had the following children:
+590. i. Julian Bostwick NOTT was born on January 19,
591. ii. William Chandler NOTT was born on May 2, 1862
in Watertown, Jefferson, NY He died on August 23, 1886 Unmarried.
392. Caroline Eliza BOSTWICK was born on July 24, 1839
in Rossie, ST Lawrence, NY She died on July 4, 1868 in Rossie, ST Lawrence,
NY She was buried on July 6, 1868 in Rossie, ST Lawrence, NY She was reburied
in 1919 in Riverside Cemetery, Gouverneur ST Lawrence, NY
She was married to Robert HALL JR (son of Robert HALL
and MRS Isabel HALL) on February 17, 1863 in Brier Hill NY Robert HALL JR
was born on March 3, 1834 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He died on August 25, 1877
in Rossie, ST Lawrence, NY. He was buried on August 27, 1877 in Rossie, ST
Lawrence, NY. He was reburied in 1919 in Riverside Cemetery, Gouverneur ST
Lawrence, NY. In the 1870 Census of Rossie St Lawrence, New York he is listed
as age 36 working on a farm. Robert Hall JR died in testate at age 42 Record
in Canton, St Lawrence, NY Surrogate Court.
Burial Records at Gouverneur Museum indicate, that
in the Riverside cemetery index that Robert Hall, Wife, and daughter Jennie
were moved to Gouverneur in 1919, by the surviving daughter Caroline.
Caroline Eliza BOSTWICK and Robert HALL JR had the
following children:
592. i. Jennie Bostwick HALL was born on March 15,
1864 in Rossie ST Lawrence NY She died on June 7, 1883 in Rossie, NY She was
buried on June 9, 1883 in Rossie ST Lawrence, NY She was reburied in 1919
in Riverside Cemetery, Gouverneur ST Lawrence, NY Jennie Hall is shown in
the 1870 census of Rossie, ST Lawrence New York as age 6
+593. ii Caroline Louise HALL was born on February
15, 1867
born on April 24, 1843 in Rossie, ST Lawrence, New York. He died in 1909 in
Syracuse, Onondaga NY He was buried in 1909 in Old Hammond Cemetery, Hammond,
NY His Relation is Great Grandfather of William M Worth. In the 1870 Census
of Rossie ST Lawrence, New York he is listed as 27 years old working on a
1861 to 1863.
He is listed in a book titled, "New York in Revolution"
by Berthold Fernow Pages 273-274 New York State Archives, New York in Revolution.
Vol. 1 Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York.
Vol.15 1887, Reprint New Orleans Palyanthos, 1972. [FHL 974.7 H2d vol. 15;
film 824,391 item 1.] L.D.S. film 0824391. Also listed on page 328 Roster
of the State troops He is also listed in the book titled " From Bull
Run to Chancellorsville" by Newton Martin Curtis, Brevet Major General,
US Vol. It is the story of the 16th NY Vol. Infantry. Records for Emerson
M Bostwick are found on pages 362 and 347. Pvt Emerson McAllaster Bostwick
Company G NY Vol. 16th Reg. mustered in at Hammond, NY 15 May 1861, at age
18. Mustered out May 1863 at Albany, NY with a rating of Corporal. He was
wounded at the battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861. He recovered and returned
to duty. He was also in the battles of 2nd West Point, Gaines Mills and Antietam.He
applied for his pension from Utah I do not know why he was in Utah.
The lands of Rossie Town (township) went through the
hands of several groups of owners after the original purchase of several counties
(over 4 million acres) from the State of NY by Alexander Macomb in 1792. By
Dec. 2, 1808 a Mr. David Parish obtained a warranty deed covering the tract
of land now called the Town of Rossie. The Village of Rossie, just south of
the junction of the Indian River with Black Lake, which connects to the ST
Lawrence River at Ogdensburg, began to take shape in 1809 and 1810 as roads
began to be built to the area. Mr. Parish named the town, Rossie, which was
the name of a castle in Scotland, owned by his brother-in-law, his sister's
name was Rosa.
He was married to ISABELLA D BROWN (daughter of Alexander
BROWN and MRS Jane BROWN) on February 22, 1867 in Kings Hotel Hammond, ST
Lawrence NY. ISABELLA D BROWN was born on July 24, 1848 in Rossie ST Lawrence
NY. She died on January 18, 1937 in Syracuse, Onondaga NY. She was buried
on January 20, 1937 in King Plot Oakwood Cemetery Syracuse NY. Her Relation
is Great Grandmother of William M Worth. In the 1870 census of Rossie, ST
Lawrence, New York she is listed as age 23 keeping house
Syracuse NY newspaper The Post Standard Tuesday Oct
23,1934 Mrs
Bostwick heads 4 Generations of Three lines Syracuse
Woman becomes Great Grandmother for third time. Four generations of the family
of Mrs Isabelle Bostwick 87 a great grandmother will celebrate the completion
of three separate groups of the fourth generation in the near future at her
home 100 East Beard avenue. Mrs Bostwick became a Great Grandmother for the
third time on Sep.25 with the birth of Barbara Alice Merithew on Olean. Of
pioneer North Country stock Mrs Bostwick still is hale and hearty and is looking
forward to the reunion of her son and Daughters grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.
The genealogy of the family is outlined by Mrs EM King daughter of Mrs. Bostwick
in this way: My Mother was born in the village of Rossie ST Lawrence County
July 26,1847. I was born in the same community, July 18,1868. My son Clinton
Clive King, a World War 1 Veteran, was born in Hammond, ST Lawrence County
Nov.30 1901. His daughter Jean Antoinette King was born Nov. 10 1923 establishing
the fourth Generation of the family. " My sister Mrs. Dewitt C Merithew
Sr. [Alice Bostwick] of Brooklyn forms the second group. She was born Nov.
23 1873. Her son Dewitt C. Merithew Jr. was born in Brooklyn, NY May 8,1908.
His daughter born Sep. 25 1934 became the third line of the fourth Gen".
The 2nd line descends from myself, My Daughter Mrs Venitah Worth, born 26
Jan 1907 in Hammond and her children William Myron Worth was born here July
25,1928 and Martha Ann Worth, also born in Syracuse May 23,1930. The reunion
of all branches of the family tree will be timed to suit the convenience of
the latest arrival, 19 day old Barbara Alice Merithew.
D BROWN had the following children:
+594. i . ETTA MAE BOSTWICK was born on July 28, 1868
+595. ii. Alice Jane BOSTWICK was born on November
23, 1873
397. Susan PINNEY was born on January 3, 1840 in Aurora,
She was married to Charles J. METZNER on September
14, 1861 in Aurora, ILL Charles J. METZNER was born about 1840.
398. Emerson David PINNEY was born on August 27, 1845
in Aurora, ILL
He was married to Frances Gertrude DAILEY in Aurora,
ILL Frances Gertrude DAILEY was born about 1845.
400. Allen G WAIT was born in 1833 in Antwerp NY He
died in 1902 in Antwerp NY He was buried in 1902 in Hillside Cemetery, Antwerp,
He was married to Maria ELLIS Maria ELLIS was born
in 1837. She died in 1912 in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY She was buried in 1912
in Hillside Cemetery, Antwerp, NY
Allen G WAIT and Maria ELLIS had the following children:
596. i. Arthur J WAIT was born in 1859 in Antwerp NY
He died in 1892 in Antwerp, NY He was buried in 1892 in Antwerp Hillside cemetery.
597. ii. Edward G WAIT was born in 1867 in Antwerp
NY He died in 1927 in Antwerp NY He was buried in 1927 in Hillside Cemetery,
Antwerp NY
402. Julia C WAIT was born in 1835 in Antwerp, New
York. She was buried in 1906 in Hillside old Cemetery, Antwerp, New York.
She died in July 1906 in Antwerp, New York.
She was married to H.W. MOORE. H.W. MOORE was born
about 1833.
403. Daniel WAIT was born about 1845 in Antwerp NY
He was married to MRS Mary WAIT in Antwerp NY MRS
Mary WAIT was born about 1845.
406. Caroline Cordella LEWIS was born on August 28,
1842 in Antwerp NY
She was married to Benjamin Groves BUTTON on October
20, 1863 in New York City, New York. Benjamin Groves BUTTON was born about
408. Henry Newman LEWIS was born on May 28, 1850 in
Antwerp NY
He was married to Alice CRAWFORD in 1885. Alice CRAWFORD
was born about 1855.
409. George Ernest MCALLASTER was born on May 25, 1873
in Antwerp NY
He died on May 30, 1957 in Antwerp NY He was buried
in Antwerp NY
He was married to Irene Bernice NOYES on June 9, 1909
in Pulaski NY Irene Bernice NOYES was born on January 9, 1888 in Sandy Creek,
NY She died on July 6, 1966 in Antwerp NY She was buried in Antwerp NY
George Ernest MCALLASTER and Irene Bernice NOYES had
the following children:
+598. i. George Noyes MCALLASTER was born on February
22, 1922
421. Norman L. MCALLISTER was born in 1881 in Saratoga
Springs NY. He died in 1965 in Saratoga Springs NY. He was buried Greenridge
Cemetery in Saratoga Springs NY
He was married to Florence L CLUTE (daughter of Nelson G CLUTE and Irene FORCE). Florence L CLUTE was born in 1888 in Waterford, NY
She died in 1956 and is buried in Greenridge Cemetery, Saratoga Springs, NY
422. Albert M. MCALLISTER was born on June 26, 1883
in Saratoga Springs NY He died on May 26, 1935 in Saratoga Springs NY He was
buried in Greenridge Cemetery, Saratoga Springs NY
He was married to Anna M CLUTE (daughter of Nelson
G CLUTE and Irene FORCE) on September 5, 1908 in Waterford NY Anna M CLUTE
was born on November 9, 1885 in Mchanicsville NY. She died on February 22,
1963 in Wilber State Hospital and is buried in Greenridge Cemetery, Saratoga
Springs NY.
Albert M. MCALLISTER and Anna M CLUTE had the following
+599. i. George Ford MCALLISTER was born on July 24,
+600. ii. Norman D MCALLISTER was born on December
10, 1910
601. iii. Robert MCALLISTER was born in 1914 in Saratoga
Springs NY
+602. iv. Jean MCALLISTER was born about 1918
+603. v. James F MCALLISTER was born in 1926
423. Ann L TUTTLE was born about 1838.
She was married to Frank D. APPLETON. Frank D. APPLETON
was born about 1835.
424. Elizabeth A. TUTTLE was born on January 30, 1856
in Hillsborough, NH She died on February 3, 1893 in Hillsborough, NH
She was married to William H. ALDEN on October 24,
1882 in Hillsborough, NH William H. ALDEN was born on January 4, 1847 in Monroe
County, Ohio. He died on June 23, 1908 in Marion Indiana.
Elizabeth A. TUTTLE and William H. ALDEN had the following
+604. i . Charlotte Tuttle ALDEN was born about 1885
605. ii. William Alonzo ALDEN was born about 1889 in
He was living in Hillsborough, NH in 1959.