McAlister tartan marquee

Putechan Cemetery

putechan cemetery entrance

Submbmited by Erik Riswick D24

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The Putechan Cemetery is located just a few miles from Glenbarr Abbey, home of the Clan MacAlister Centre. This is the burial place of many McAlister family members and descendants, including Angus MacAlister, whose widow Jeanne still lives at Glenbarr Abbey.

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Margaret McCallum
d. 11 Apr 1930
In her 74th year
McCaullum Plaque

Erected by Archibald Galbraith in memory of his wife, Margaret McCallum, and their two sons.

A distant view
putechan cemetery

Cemetery guarded by cattle
putechan cemetery
Ranald MacAlester, d. at Glenbarr in 1980 in his 77th year
Wife Mary Best, d. 13 Mar 1985 aged 85 years
Ranald MacAlester

Excerpt from List of Names of Persons Buried Here
Partial Names List

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