Join us for the 2020 biennial Gathering!
August 6-7-8-9, 2020
Meet McAlisters from all across America in a casual social setting!

Great Sightseeing



If you have never been to one of our Gatherings, now is the time! If you have attended a Gathering before, you know how much fun we have.
2020 Gathering Location:
The Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa
239 Central Ave.
Hot Springs, AR 71901
PHONE: 501-609-2533 or 800-643-1502
There are two steps needed to complete your registration:
- Make a room reservation directly with the hotel. 1-800-643-1502 Code: CMA
- Register for the Gathering with the CMA.
HOTEL INFO: The Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa is the location for our 2020 Gathering. It has elegant meeting rooms, spacious sleeping rooms, excellent beds, and CMA has an outstanding deal of $99 + tax per night (king) or two double beds for $109 + tax per night, for up to four people and includes 2 breakfast buffets per night of stay. The CMA rate is available August 3-12, 2020.
The hotel also offers high-speed Internet access, swimming pool, lobby lounge and exercise room. Parking is free about 2-1/2 blocks away. Driving Instructions
The hotel has a full-service restaurant (breakfast, lunch, supper and room service). There are many restaurants nearby.
Be sure to make your room reservation directly with the The Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa by July 6 to be guaranteed the CMA rate. Please book early and be sure to ask for the Clan McAlister (CMA) rate.
CMA REGISTRATION: A Printable Registration Form is available as well as an easy and secure Paypal order form. Other information about the Hot Springs Gathering can be found below. For the Saturday Banquet, we are offering a choice of entrees of chicken, beef or vegetarian.
Links to many Hot Springs-area attractions are also included here.