Purchase of CMA Ancestral Lines DVD

CMA "ancestor lines" are documented lines of individuals descended from early McAlisters (of whatever spelling). New lines are created as new "earliest ancestors" are identified and existing lines are merged as new connections emerge.
Initially, documentation was maintained on paper in boxes and folders. (see image on right). The number and volume of the files grew over the years until they now occupy about 16 hanging file boxes and weigh nearly 600 pounds.
Luckily, during the early months of 2012, CMA digitized all of the holdings and has routinely updated those digital files as new information has become available. The complete collection of these 300+ files in PDF format (approximately 46,000 pages) is now available on DVD. The files are searchable using the free Acrobat reader. For security, the files are copy-protected, which means that the contents of the DVD cannot be printed or copy/pasted into another electronic document.
McAlister Ancestral Lines DVDs are:
To order a DVD of the complete current ancestoral lines digital holdings, enter your CMA member number below if known (leave blank if unknown) and click on the yellow "Buy Now" PayPal button. (You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this button to purchase the DVD; PayPal will let you use your credit card directly.) Complete all of the fields in the resulting payment form.