McAlister tartan marquee

Descendants of

Richard McAllister (R04)

By William Worth

Please note: Bill Worth passed away on Saturday, May 18, 2002, in his sleep. He was ever a gentleman, a dedicated researcher and a valued correspondent. I miss him. -- Robert C. McAllister, Webmaster (2002)

(REVISED August 27, 2003 By Charles Ray McAllaster )
(REVISED 16 July 2006 By Edward Galvin)

From the National Society Sons of the American Revolution 1000 South Fourth Street Louisville KY 40243. National # 146766, Tennessee Society # 2663 Under the name of William Myron Worth in 1996 Valentine Seiver Chapter Charter member, Clarksville, Tennessee:
  1. Patriot Elijah Bostwick [wife Rebecca Warner] Approved 16 July, 1996.
  2. Supplemental App. Eliphalet King [Wife Mary Remington] Approved 3 March 1998
  3. Supplemental App. Richard McAllister [Wife Ann Miller] Approved 25 Nov. 1997
  4. Supplemental App. Richard McAllister Jr. [Wife Susan Dimond] Approved 25 Nov. 1997
  5. Supplemental App. Ezekiel Dimond [wife Miriam Fowler] ? Pending.
  6. Supplemental App. William Warner [wife Rebecca Lupton] Approved May 26 1998
  7. Supplemental App. William bradford [wife Mary Lambert] Approved 25 Nov.1997.
  8. Supplemental App. Paul Averill [wife Zeruah Howe] Approved 25 Nov.1997
  9. Supplemental App. John Averill [wife Mary bradford] Approved 25 Nov.1997
I have inserted LIVING for birth dates to protect the privacy of people born after 1930.

Descendants of RICHARD MCALLISTER Amer. Rev War PS R04

This file on this date 4 Sep 2001 contains the direct descendants and their Spouses of Richard and Ann (Miller) McAllaster as I have them: 2,596 People and 889 Families and spans 10 Generations. The info and photos have come from many sources and from many different family members. Since this page first went up on the Internet a lot of new info has been added as family members have found a link. Several family members have helped me by editing these pages. This information has been compiled by me and is freely given to the Clan McAlister and the members for their information and enjoyment. My hope is that in the future it will be kept as current as possible by future generations of our family With this newest edition I wish to thank Mike McAllister, Janet Derbyshire and Nancy Phillips for their additions and for helping me to edit the pages.

Key to some of the information listed here - I have omitted the dates of people born after 1930.
"John McAllister born living" means I do not know where [or maybe when] he was born.
"John McAllister born in New York City NY" means I know where he was born and maybe or maybe not when he was born.
The same key has been used for marriages.
If you have any info to add, correct, or comment on this line, please do so.

First Generation

1. Richard McAllaster Amer. Rev. War P.S. was born between 1705 and 1715 in Antrim County, Ireland. He immigrated in 1738 to Arrived from Ireland, winter of 1738. He died after 1776 in Bedford, N.H.?. He was buried in Bedford, NH?.

His Relation is 5th G Grandfather of William M Worth.

From the History of the McAllaster Family in America.

[The Clan Mcallister origin of the name; Son of Alexander]

The Mcallister's descend from Alasdair MOR a younger son of Donald of Islay, founder of clan Donald and Great Grandson of King Somerled. The descendants of Alasdair Mor settled mostly in South Knapdale [Kintyre] by James 111 the principal family was the McAlister of Loop who were supporters of the Royal house of Stewart. Alexander, 8th of Loop fought at Killiecrankie with Bonnie Dundee. He was succeeded by his brother Charles who married a daughter of Lamont of that ILK. Charles the 12th of Loop married Janet Somerville, an Heiress of Kennox in Airship. The McAlister of Loop and Kennox have since sold their seat at Kennox. The present chief was recognized in 1991, by the Lord Lyon, as being the rightful chief of the Clan. He is the 17th chief of the clan McAlister. Other Cadet branches include the MacAlisters of Tarbert who became hereditary Constables of the Royal Castle of Tarberton on behalf of the Earls of Argyle. One other branch established itself at Glenbarrin Argyll and another took the name of Alexander and settled in Menstrie in Clackmanans. The Clan from Clackmanans were Vessels of the Earl of Argyle, and many of this branch later settled in Ireland in the 17th century and became earls of Caledon. The McAllasters came from Argyleshire, Scotland to North Ireland, and lived in Londonderry and Antrim Counties. Richard McAllaster was born about 1705. He was an ancestor of one branch of the Antrim county, North Ireland McAllasters. In about 1735 he married Ann Miller, and sometime within the next 3 years they had a son born there named Archibald. Richard and Ann came to America during the winter of 1738-1739. While crossing the Atlantic, Ann gave birth to a 2nd son named John. They arrived in America at the Boston bay, and landed near the trading post called Winnisimmet, which is now called Chelsea, Mass. Almost at once Richard and his family found their way to Londonderry, NH as we conclude, for in 1741 he was a citizen there in full standing. Also in 1741,while living in Londonderry, Ann bore Richard a 3rd son named William. Not long after this there was a migration from Londonderry to the settlement of Narragansett, No.5 and the community was known as "Souhegan East" now Bedford, N. H. It was probably in the spring of 1743 when Richard and family moved to Bedford. The place where they settled is West Bedford Center, and is now known as the Hadley Stevens farm a few rods west of the village, only 4 miles from the present city of Manchester. His name appears among the Petitioners of Souhegan East, June 12,1744,to the Governor and assembly for protection against the Indians. He was one of the leading landholders at the organization of the town in 1750,and one of the subscribers to the petition to Gov. Wentworth, May 10, 1750 asking for special privileges to raise money for Presbyterian Services in Bedford. In 1773 He was Constable of Bedford. Richard and Ann had 7 more children born in Bedford, N.H. At the present time it is not known the exact date that Richard died. There is no record of Richards death in Bedford His Wife Ann Died 12 March 1776 at 67 years old, and it is believed that he may have died earlier that same year or followed one of his sons after his wife's death.

He was married to ANN MILLER in 1734 in Londonderry, Ireland. ANN MILLER was born in 1710 in Ireland. She immigrated in 1738 to America.Arriving from Ireland Winter of 1738.She died on March 12, 1776 in Bedford, New Hampshire age 67. She was buried on March 13, 1776 in Old South Cemetery, Bedford, NH. Her Relation is 5th G Grandmother of William M Worth.

RICHARD MCALLASTER Amer. Rev War PS and ANN MILLER had the following children:
+  2 i. CAPT Archibald MCALLISTER Amer. Rev War was born about 1735
+  3 ii PVT John MCALLASTER Amer. Rev War was born on January 18, 1739
+  4 iii ENS William MCALLASTER Mass. Amer. Rev War was born on July 14, 1741
    5 iv Mary MCALLISTER was born on August 10, 1743 in Bedford, Hillsboro, NH
    6 v Ann MCALLASTER was born on November 6, 1745 in Bedford, Hillsboro, NH. She died on October 31, 1760 in Bedford, Hillsboro, NH
    7 vi Susannah MCALLISTER was born on August 20, 1747 in Bedford, Hillsboro, NH. She died on June 8, 1842.
+  8 vii PVT RICHARD MCALLASTER JR. American Rev was born on October 20, 1749
+  9 viii James MCALLISTER Amer. Rev War PS was born on February 29, 1752
  10 ix Benjamin MCALLASTER was born on May 31, 1754
+11 x Susannah MCALLASTER was born on August 20, 1756

Second Generation

2. Captain Archibald McAllister Mass Amer. Rev War was born about 1735 in Londonderry, Antrim Ireland. He died between 1814 and 1820 in Wincasset, Maine. He was buried in Whites Corner Cemetery, Montville, Maine.

Archibald showed in the statistics of Taxation, invoice of 1750 as having paid a tax laid on the male poles, Estates, and income of the inhabitants of Bedford. This tax was 2 Pounds and 5 shillings on head, but nothing was paid under real and personal. He grew to man hood in Bedford and was married there to Annie Mary Boise. Ason Richard was born in Bedford Aug 25, 1760.The date of birth for Richard is recorded in the Family Bible, and on his application for pension for service in the Amer. Rev. War which are in his folder with the military service records, National Archives. The history of Bedford and the history of the Town of Antrim state that Archibald McAllaster, the oldest son of Richard and Ann, went from Bedford to Wiscasset, Maine abt. 1761 and lived to a ripe old age. Also it is stated that William the 3rd son of Richard and Ann settled in Wiscasset, Maine about 1765,but removed to Bedford in 1779,makeing the passage in a vessel bound for Newburyport. In the records of Lincoln County, Maine at Wiscasset is a plan of land which belonged to Archibald McAllister dated May 13,1766 Vol.5 page 75. Archibald McAllister was listed as the head of a family on the first census of the US 1790 in Lincoln Co. Balltown, Maine. Archibald acquired land over 285 acres in Lincoln County, between Dyers Pond River and Dyers brook [Balltown Plantation] and registered a plan for his lot on Sept. 16,1767, with Lincoln County Registrar of Deeds [book 5, p. 256]. He settled there with his family and for a number of years was involved in town affairs. His name appears in the 1790 census records as a resident of Balltown Plantation, and the last reference to him in Balltown records is in 1791. He had sold, in 1789 150 acres of his land, to his son Richard, for 50 pounds 12 shillings. [Lincoln County deeds Vol. 33, p.7].In 1794, he sold his remaining acreage for 120 pounds to his son Archibald JR. [Lincoln County deeds Vol. 33. p. 8] He then moved to Davistown Plantation where he was active in its development from Plantation to township. The Plantation became the town of Montville in Lincoln County, Maine, Feb. 17-18, 1807, by act of the Senate and House of Representatives of Mass. [Montville town records book 2 p.7] Some published records give his date of death as 1790 but these are in error. His name appears in the 1800 census as a resident of Davistown [Montville]. In the 1810 census, Richard listed Archibald and Mary as members of his family. Archibald commanded a company of Massachusetts Militia under Col Samuel McCobb in the Penobscot expedition.

From Nancy Phillips Ged Com

SOURCE: Research done by Fred B. Huntington in Searsport, Maine.

"There are several other Archibald's in the story. There was apparently another family also with an immigrant patriarch named Archibald born in Londonderry, Ireland. He had a son named Archibald born some time in the 1760's so contemporary with our Richard. This Archibald had a son named Archibald born sometime in the 1790's, so contemporary with our Archibald. Actually I suppose our great grandfather could be the offspring of one of these other McAlisters, but if so, there's no record to support it. It's not clear from the records which of the children died young, which moved out of the county or the state, and which remained but were childless." Will send you 20 Xeroxed pages of handwritten notes that was all they had on McAlisters. May research the Cunninghams Stevenses and the browns.

Birth: Clan McAlister thinks this Archibald is the son of Richard McAllaster and Anne Miller and has his birth as in Ireland around 1737. He moved to Wiscasset, ME about 1761. As explained above we don't have any proof and the birth dates are 2 yrs different Clan McAlister having his birth date as 1837 instead of the 1835 as the records in Penobscot Museum in Sear sport Maine indicated.

He was married to Annie Mary BOYCE about 1759. Annie Mary BOYCE was born about 1733 in Bedford, Hillsboro, NH She died after 1820 in Wincasset, Maine.

CAPT Archibald MCALLISTER Amer. Rev War and Annie Mary BOYCE had the following children:
+ 12 i SGT. Richard MCALLISTER Amer. Rev War was born on September 25, 1760
+ 13 ii John MCALLISTER was born in 1762
   14 iii Rosannah MCALLISTER was born on July 27, 1766 in New Castle, Maine.
+ 15 iv Archibald MCALLISTER JR was born on December 6, 1768

3. Pvt John McAllaster Amer Rev War was born on January 18, 1739 at Sea. His birth is recorded at Chelsea, Mass He died in 1828 in Rochester, Vermont. He enlisted in the French War on 17 Apr 1758 and was in the Revolutionary War Army. He Resided in Rochester, VT.
He was married to Anna STEELE about 1768 in Amherst, NH Anna STEELE was born about 1749. She died about 1847.

PVT John MCALLASTER Amer Rev War and Anna STEELE had the following children:
+ 16 i Isaac MCALLASTER was born about 1769 (about 1808 :elg)
+ 17 ii David MCALLASTER was born about 1771
+ 18 iii William MCALLASTER was born about 1773
   19 iv Betsey MCALLASTER was born about 1775
+ 20 v Anna MCALLASTER was born about 1777
+ 21 vi Fannie MCALLASTER was born about 1779
   22 vii Nancy MCALLASTER was born about 1781 in Rochester, Windsor, Vermont.
+ 23. John Wentworth MCALLASTER was born in 1784 in Antrim, NH He died in 1849 in Rochester, Vermont. He was married to Vina [Lavinia] Lovina M. [shows this way on her gravestone - elg] JONES about 1804. Vina [Lavinia] Lovina M. JONES was born in 1786 in Hillsborough, NH She died in September 1858.
   24 ix Daniel MCALLASTER was born in 1786 in Antrim, NH
+ 25 x Jesse MCALLASTER was born about 1788

4. Ens William McAllaster Amer Rev War was born on July 14, 1741 in Londonderry, NH He died on February 11, 1787 in Bedford, NH He moved to Wiscasset, Maine shortly after his marriage abt 1765. William in 1779, returned to Bedford, NH where some of his descendants still reside in 1993. By that time both William and Archibald had acquired acreage in Lincoln County Balltown Plantation [now Jefferson]
Source Clan McAlister He was a Revolutionary War soldier fighting in battle of Bunker Hill.

He was married to Jerusha SPOFFORD in 1765 in Wiscasset, Maine. Jerusha SPOFFORD was born on May 17, 1742 in Georgetown, Mass She died on November 26, 1812 in Newport, NH She was buried in Newport, NH They moved to Wiscasset Maine shortly after his marriage in 1765

ENS William MCALLASTER Amer. Rev War and Jerusha SPOFFORD had the following children:
+26 i Sarah [or Sally] MCALLASTER (born on December 25, 1766).
+27 ii Ann MCALLASTER was born on August 10, 1769
+28 iii William MCALLASTER Jr. was born on June 12, 1772
+29 iv John MCALLASTER Twin was born on December 25, 1774
+30 v Martha MCALLASTER Twin was born on December 25, 1774
+31 vi Polly [Mary] MCALLASTER was born on June 30, 1777
+32 vii James MCALLASTER was born on November 30, 1779
+33 viii Benjamin MCALLASTER was born on April 12, 1782
+34 ix Apphia Spofford MCALLASTER was born on November 28 1785

8. Pvt Richard McAllaster Jr. American Rev War was born on October 20, 1749 in Bedford Hillsboro NH He died on February 11, 1813 in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY at age 62. He was buried on February 11, 1813 in Antwerp, Cemetery old part, Antwerp, NY His Relation is 4th G Grandfather of William M Worth. From the History of the McAllaster Family in America, Richard was born in Bedford, NH and about 1769 he married Susan Diamond. During the first 6 years of their marriage they lived in Bedford where their first 2 children were born. He was last taxed in Bedford in 1772, and it seems that for at least part of the next 2 or 3 years he was in Antrim, NH clearing land and preparing a home site on the northern slope of meeting house hill. His older brother John had been living in Antrim since 1766. In 1775 Richard and his family moved to Antrim, NH. Their home was the first house north of the fork of the road, and it was later known as the Abraham Smith place. In Antrim Richard was prominent among the first settlers. In 1777 he was a member of the first board of Selectmen; he also was a member of this board in 1784. He was a Member of the First Presbyterian Church of Antrim, which was organized in 1788. In the year of 1795 Richard gave his home place to Abraham Smith, and they moved to Alstead, NH, also there was a time during this period that they lived in Springfield, Vermont. 1805--1810 About 1810, they moved to Antwerp, Jefferson, NY. His wife Susan died Jan. 23, 1813 at Antwerp at age 57. Nineteen days later Richard died on Feb. 11, 1813 also at Antwerp, NY. He was 63 years old. It is thought that Susan Dimond was probably the daughter of Ezekiel and Miriam [Fowler] Dimond of Concord, NH. During the war of the revolution Richard served part of the time in Capt. Wilkins Co of Col Beadles Reg. May 19 1776 he was in Canada at the surrender of the Cedars and was one of 500 men who were taken prisoner. The British treated them in inhuman and barbarous manner. These prisoners were taken to an island in a lake, near two mountains. They were kept there for 8 days nearly naked, without shelter and with scant rations. They were finally released on a cartel agreed to between Gen. Arnold and Capt. Foster.

He was married to SUSANNA DIMOND (daughter of EZEKIEL DIMOND Amer Rev War PS and MIRIAM FOWLER)[Not proven] about 1769 in Bedford, NH SUSANNA DIMOND was born on July 12, 1754 in Alstead Cheshire or Concord Merrimack NH. She died on January 23, 1813 in Antwerp Jefferson, NY at age 57. She was buried on January 23, 1813 in Antwerp, Cemetery old part, Antwerp, NY Her Relation is 4th G Grandmother of William M Worth.

PVT RICHARD MCALLASTER JR. American Rev War and SUSANNA DIMOND had the following children:
   35 i Sarah MCALLASTER was born in 1770 in Bedford, NH. She died on September 11, 1858 in Antwerp, NY Unmarried.
+ 36 ii FRANCIS MCALLASTER was born on August 16, 1773
   37 iii Athilred [Philly] MCALLASTER was born about 1775 in Bedford, NH. He died in Antwerp, NY Unmarried.
+ 38 iv Richard MCALLASTER was born on December 26, 1779
+ 39 v Anna MCALLASTER was born on March 3, 1783
+ 40 vi Elizabeth MCALLASTER was born on October 16, 1787
+ 41 vii William MCALLASTER was born on March 6, 1792
   42 viii Susan MCALLASTER was born about 1795 in Antrim, NH. She died on January 28, 1859 in Antwerp, New York Unmarried.
+ 43 ix David MCALLASTER was born on November 18, 1800

9. James McAllaster Amer Rev War PS was born on February 29, 1752 in Bedford, NH He died on August 27, 1823 in Antrim, New Hampshire. He was buried in Antrim, NH. James Mcallister removed to Antrim New Hampshire in 1773

He was married to Sally MCCLARY (daughter of David MCCLARY) in October 1773 in Bedford NH Sally MCCLARY was born about 1752 in Bedford, NH She died on July 2, 1841 in Antrim, NH

James MCALLASTER Amer Rev War PS and Sally MCCLARY had the following children:
+ 44 i Richard MCALLASTER was born in 1773
  &nbps;45 ii David MCALLASTER was born in 1774 in Antrim, NH. He died in 1775.
+ 46 iii Thomas MCALLASTER was born in 1775
  &nbps;47 iv James MCALLASTER Jr. was born about 1777 in Antrim NH He was lost overboard in Chesapeake Bay.
+ 48 v William MCALLASTER was born on May 3, 1781
+ 49 vi Anne MCALLASTER was born on August 12, 1783
  &nbps;50 vii Benjamin MCALLASTER was born on July 3, 1785 in Antrim, NH. He went to Canada early 1800's.
+ 51 viii Rachel MCALLASTER was born in 1787
+ 52 ix Sally MCALLASTER was born on June 20, 1789
+ 53 x Mary [Polly] MCALLASTER was born on February 21, 1792

11. Susannah McAllaister was born on August 20, 1756 in Bedford , NH She died on June 8, 1842.

She was married to Hugh MOORE on March 21, 1792. Hugh MOORE was born about 1756.

Third Generation

12. Sgt Richard McAllister Amer Rev War was born on September 25, 1760 in Bedford, New Hampshire. He died on February 11, 1848 in Montville, Waldo, Maine. He was buried in Whites corner Cemetery, Montville, Maine. Richard received a war pension [#14,308] until his death, and his wife received one after that. A Richard McAllister was listed as head of a family on the first US census in 1790 as in Ballstown, Lincoln, Maine. He applied for a military pension for his war service in 1818 [Pension W.2147], listing Mary his mother but not his father Archibald among his dependants at that time. The 1820 census of Montiville, Maine lists Richard McCollister residing in Montiville:

1 male 45+ 1 Female 45+
2 male 16--26 1 female 26--45
1 male 16--18 2 females 16--26
2 male 10--16 1 female 10--16
2 male -10 2 female -10

From Nancy Phillips

SOURCE Research by Fred B. Huntington at Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport Maine.

He was married to Peggy CUNNINGHAM on December 26, 1785 -- his 1st wife.

Peggy CUNNINGHAM was born about 1760. She died on July 21, 1798 in Ballstown, Lincoln, Maine.

SGT Richard MCALLISTER Amer. Rev War and Peggy CUNNINGHAM had the following children:
   54. i Mary MCALLISTER was born in May 1786 in Montville, Waldo, Maine. She died on September 10, 1792 in Montville, Waldo, Maine.
   55. ii Peggy MCALLISTER was born on March 19, 1788 in Montville, Maine. She died on September 7, 1792 in Montville, Maine.
   56. iii William MCALLISTER was born on April 23, 1790 in Montville, Main He died on September 1, 1792 in Montville, Main.
+ 57. iv Archibald MCALLISTER was born on March 23, 1792
+ 58. v Richard L. MCALLISTER Jr. was born on April 13, 1794
+ 59. vi Mary Polly MCALLISTER was born on July 10, 1796
   60. vii Enoch MCALLISTER was born on July 18, 1798 in Ballstown, Lincoln, Maine. He died on December 14, 1798 in Ballstown, Lincoln, Maine.

He was married to Sarah THOMAS (daughter of Henry THOMAS and MRS Lydia THOMAS) on January 24, 1799 -- his 2nd Wife. Sarah THOMAS was born on July 25, 1777 in Montville, Maine. She died on September 15, 1865 in Montville, Maine age 88 years 1 mo. 20 days. She was buried in Whites Corner Cemetery, Montville, Maine.

Research done by Fred B. Huntington done at Penobscot Marine Museum at Searsport, Maine. Has "88-1-20 DA" written by her death date and Montiville T.R. written in the margin.

SGT Richard MCALLISTER Amer Rev War and Sarah THOMAS had the following children:
+61. i Guy MCALLISTER Justus of the Peace was born on July 12, 1799
+62. ii Margaret A MCALLISTER was born on July 28, 1800
+63. iii Sarah [Sally] MCALLISTER was born on April 20, 1802
+64. iv Abiel MCALLISTER was born on June 24, 1803
+65. v Lydia MCALLISTER was born on April 26, 1805
+66. vi Job Cushman MCALLISTER was born on November 10, 1807
+67. vii Alfred MCALLISTER Justice of the Peace was born on January 9, 1810
+68. viii Isaac Case MCALLISTER was born on April 21, 1812
+69. ix Rosanna MCALLISTER was born on December 29, 1815
+70. x Thomas MCALLISTER was born on September 2, 1816
+71. xi Harriet MCALLISTER was born on February 5, 1820

13. John McAllister was born in 1762 in Bedford, NH He died in 1842.

He was married to unknown wife

John MCALLISTER had the following children:
+72. i. Unknown Male MCALLASTER was born about 1788

15. Archibald McAllister Jr. was born on December 6, 1768 in Newcastle, Maine. He died before 1820. His Wife Ruth is listed a widow in the 1820 census.

He was married to Ruth CUNNINGHAM on December 26, 1791 in Jefferson, Maine -- 1st Husb. Ruth CUNNINGHAM was born on May 2, 1770 in Jefferson, Maine.

Archibald MCALLISTER JR and Ruth CUNNINGHAM had the following children:
   73. i Betsey MCALLISTER was born on November 13 1792 in Jefferson Maine
+ 74. ii Mary MCALLISTER was born on February 10, 1795
   75. iii Archibald MCALLISTER was born on February 14 1798 in Jefferson Maine
   76. iv Frank MCALLISTER was born on February 11 1800 in Jefferson Maine
   77. v Alexander MCALLISTER was born on September 19 1802 in Jefferson Maine
+ 78. vi Ruth Ann MCALLISTER was born on March 9, 1804)
   79. vii Hiram MCALLISTER was born on July 24, 1806 in Jefferson Maine
   80. viii Sarah MCALLISTER was born on October 22, 1808 in Jefferson Maine
+ 81. ix Rosanna MCALLISTER was born on June 5, 1810

[This family used the spelling McALLISTER]

16. Isaac McAllaster was born about 1769. [about 1808]  He lived in Pulaski, NY  [He died 2 June 1898 in Pitcairn, NY]

Miss. BENSON [Elizabeth BENSON] was born about 1769 [about 1807 in Orwell, Vt.] in Benson, Vermont. She lived in Pulaski, New York.

17. David McAllaster was born about 1771  [about 1796]. He lived PA in 1836 [and died 1870-1880 in PA]

He was married to Susan NASON. [Susannah NASON]  Susan NASON was born about 1771 [1799]  in Rochester, Vermont. She lived PA in 1836 in PA.

18. William McAllaster was born about 1773  [about 1799] in Antrim, Hillsboro, NH He died about 1837 in Rochester, Vermont at age 64.  [12 Dec 1868 in braintree, Vt. age 68]

He was married to Diadamia WASHBURNE [probably WASHBURN without an E, but no real proof]  Diadamia WASHBURNE was born about 1773   [about 1801]

[He married second or third Eliza UNKNOWN bef 1850.  She died 1860-1861.  He married fourth Deborah PARKER Coburn 20 Jan 1861 in braintree, Vt.  It was his fourth marriage, but I cannot locate a name for wife #2 or maybe wife #3!]

William MCALLASTER and Diadamia WASHBURNE had the following children:
82. i Stillman MCALLASTER was born about 1800.  [This is the William Stillman McAllister who was born about 1820 and died before June 1860 - see #259. ]

20. Anna McAllaster was born about 1777. [about 1792] She lived in Antrim, NH [and Lewis Co., NY]

She was married to Dudley REED on April 1, 1813. Dudley REED was born about 1776. [about 1790] He lived in Antrim, NH [and Lewis Co., NY]

21. Fannie McAllaster was born about 1779 [about 1800] in Rochester, Windsor, Vermont.

She was married to Mr. AUSTIN [21 Dec 1820 in Rochester, Vt.] 1st Husb Mr. AUSTIN [John AUSTIN III] 1st Husb Mr. AUSTIN was born about 1779 [1 Apr 1797]. He died about 1829 [after 1822 but before 1829].

She was married [6 Sept 1829 Goshen, Vt.] to Mr. [Joseph or Josiah] SMITH 2nd Husb Mr. SMITH was born about 1779 [in Conn.]

23. John Wentworth McAllaster was born in 1784 in Antrim, NH. He died in 1849 in Rochester, Vermont.

He was married to Vina [Lavinia] Lovina M. [shows this way on her gravestone] JONES about 1804. Vina [Lavinia] Lovina M. JONES was born in 1786 in Hillsborough, NH. She died in September 1858.

John Wentworth MCALLASTER and Vina [Lavinia] Lovina M. JONES had the following children:
+ 83. i William William Ira [given in several deeds] MCALLASTER was born about 1805
+ 84. ii Julia Ann MCALLASTER was born about 1807
+ 85. iii Vienna MCALLASTER was born about 1809 1808 [from gravestone and death certificate]
+ 86. iv Paulina Perlina MCALLASTER was born about 1811 1809 [from gravestone and death certificate]
+ 87. v Pamela Permelia MCALLASTER was born about 1812
+ 88. vi Orilla Orrilla MCALLASTER was born about 1813
+ 89. vii Hiram MCALLASTER was born about 1815
+ 90. viii Sophronia MCALLASTER was born about 1816
   91. ix Adeline MCALLASTER was born about 1818 in Hancock, Vermont. She died in 1840 in Whiting, Vermont. Unmarried.
+ 92. x. Sylvester MCALLASTER was born in 1820
+ 93. xi Milo MCALLASTER was born about 1822
   94. xii Lovica MCALLASTER was born about 1824. She died in 1858 in Rochester, Vermont. Unmarried.
+ 95. xiii Phillena Philena MCALLASTER was born about 1826

25. Jesse McAllaster was born about 1788. [about 1794-1800 as best as I can figure]

He was married to Deborah PAIGE on April 20, 1815. Deborah PAIGE was born about 1790.

26. Sarah [or Sally] McAllaster was born on December 25, 1766 in Wincasset, Maine. She was baptized on June 12, 1768 in First Church of Christ, Georgetown, Maine. She died in 1794.

She was married to James McLaughlin in 1787. James McLaughlin was born about 1766. He died on February 20, 1821.

Sarah [or Sally] MCALLASTER and James McLaughlin had the following children:
   96. i James McLaughlin was born on September 6, 1789. He died in 1813.
+ 97. ii William McLaughlin was born on September 8, 1791.

27. Ann McAllaster was born on August 10, 1769 in Wiscasset, Maine.

She died on November 10, 1838.

She was married to James GILMORE between 1785 and 1796.

James GILMORE was born on January 15, 1765. He died on February 28, 1839.

Ann MCALLASTER and James GILMORE had the following children:
+  98. i William GILMORE was born on February 1, 1798
    99. ii Whitfield GILMORE was born on August 20, 1799.
+100. iii Freeman GILMORE was born on May 29, 1801
  101. iv Robert GILMORE was born on January 12, 1803.
+102. v Sally GILMORE was born on January 28, 1805.
  103. vi Margaret GILMORE was born on January 8, 1807. She died in 1851 in Bedford, NH She was buried in Bedford, NH
+104. vii Mary Ann GILMORE was born on December 16, 1808.
  105. viii James GILMORE was born on April 5, 1811. He died on October 6, 1837 in Satartia, Miss.

28. William McAllaster Jr. was born on June 12, 1772 in Wiscasset, Maine. He died on November 6, 1845 in Antwerp, NY. He was buried in Antwerp, Cemetery Antwerp, NY.

He was married to Jannette [Jane] McKinney in 1796. Jannette [Jane] McKinney was born on August 25 1776 in Bedford NH. She died on January 3, 1865 in Antwerp NY at age 89. She was buried in Antwerp Cemetery, Antwerp, NY.

William MCALLASTER Jr. and Jannette [Jane] McKinney had the following children:
+106. i Hugh MCALLASTER was born on October 9, 1798
+107. ii Sarah MCALLASTER was born on August 30, 1800
+108. iii William MCALLASTER was born on November 5, 1803
+109. iv Margaret MCALLASTER was born on December 16, 1805
+110. v Alexander Hamilton MCALLASTER was born on February 3, 1808
  111. vi Walter Harris MCALLASTER was born on September 16, 1810 in Newport, Vermont. He died on June 8, 1816 in Newport, Vermont.
+112. vii Martha Jane MCALLASTER was born on September 17, 1812
  113. viii Caroline R MCALLASTER was born on August 7, 1814 in Newport, Vermont. She died on December 25, 1865 in Cleveland, Ohio. She was buried in Antwerp Cemetery, Antwerp, NY.
  114. ix Joseph Harvey MCALLASTER was born on October 28, 1816 in Newport, Vermont. He died on September 12, 1823 in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY. He was buried in Antwerp Jefferson, NY.
+115. x Harriet Nason MCALLASTER was born on April 5, 1819.
+116. xi Henry Martyn MCALLASTER was born on June 29, 1821.

29. John McAllaster Twin was born on December 25, 1774 in Wincasset, Maine. He died on July 25, 1853 in Bedford, NH.

He was married to Jane AIKEN on March 13, 1800 in Bedford, NH. Jane AIKEN was born on January 4, 1780 in Bedford, NH. She died on January 3, 1854 in Bedford, NH.

John MCALLASTER Twin and Jane AIKEN had the following children:
+117. i Gilman MCALLASTER was born on December 12, 1800.
+118. ii Achsah MCALLASTER was born on September 20, 1802.
+119. iii Sally MCALLASTER was born on March 1, 1804.
+120. iv Rodney MCALLASTER was born on January 5, 1806.
+121. v Margaret A. MCALLASTER was born on March 5, 1808.
+122. vi John MCALLASTER was born on May 30, 1810.
+123. vii Isaac MCALLASTER was born on February 17, 1812.
+124. viii Adaline MCALLASTER was born on September 15, 1813.
  125. ix Alfred MCALLASTER was born on November 20, 1815 in Bedford, NH He died on September 4, 1830 in Bedford, NH.
  126. x Annette MCALLASTER was born in 1817 in Bedford NH She died in 1849.
+127. xi William MCALLASTER was born on May 25, 1819.
+128. xii George L. MCALLASTER was born on May 26, 1822.
+129. xiii Mary Jane MCALLASTER was born on September 4, 1824.

30. Martha McAllaster Twin was born on December 25, 1774 in Wincasset, Maine.

She was married to Andrew AIKEN on December 29, 1797. Andrew AIKEN was born on December 26, 1770 in Bedford, NH He died on July 28, 1856 in Newport, NH.

Martha MCALLASTER Twin and Andrew AIKEN had the following children:
+130. i Frederick AIKEN was born on December 28, 1798.
+131. ii William McAllaster AIKEN was born on December 10 1800.
+132. iii Sarah AIKEN was born on June 28, 1803.
+133. iv Ann Riddle AIKEN was born on September 5, 1805.
+134. v Martha Mary AIKEN was born on November 29, 1807.
  135. vi David AIKEN was born on December 12, 1810 in Bedford NH He died on July 3, 1820 in Newport, NH age 10.
+136. vii Margaret AIKEN was born on September 30, 1813.
  137. viii Caroline AIKEN was born on January 13, 1816 in Newport, NH She died on September 24, 1816 in Newport, NH 8 Mo. old.
+139. ix James breck AIKEN was born on June 23, 1819.

31. Polly [Mary] McAllaster was born on June 30, 1777 in Bedford, NH. She died on June 25, 1838.

She was married to John David MCAFFEE about 1797 1st Husb. John David MCAFFEE was born about 1777. He died about 1805.

Polly [Mary] MCALLASTER and John David MCAFFEE had the following children:
  139. i. Susanna MCAFFEE was born about 1798.
  140. ii. Isiah MCAFFEE was born about 1800.
  141. iii. Sally MCAFFEE was born about 1802.
  142. iv. James MCAFFEE was born about 1805.

She was married to Adam GILMORE about 1806 in Bedford NH 2nd Husb. Adam GILMORE was born about 1777.

Polly [Mary] MCALLASTER and Adam GILMORE had the following children:
+143. i Margaret Ann GILMORE was born about 1807.
+144. ii Martha GILMORE was born about 1809.
+145. iii Adam GILMORE was born about 1812.
+146. iv Sarah GILMORE was born about 1815.

32. James McAllaster was born on November 30, 1779 in Bedford, NH He died on April 15, 1853 in Boston, Mass.

He was married to Rachel DUPEE on January 11, 1818. Rachel DUPEE was born on April 23, 1795 in Wrentham, Mass. She died on October 29, 1865 in Boston, Mass.

James MCALLASTER and Rachel DUPEE had the following children:
+147. i Harriet MCALLASTER was born on December 6, 1818.
  148. ii Martha Ann MCALLASTER was born on February 10, 1821 in Boston, Mass. She died on January 24, 1877.
  149. iii Anjanette MCALLASTER was born on January 23, 1823 in Boston, Mass.
  150. iv Henrietta MCALLASTER was born on March 25, 1825 in Boston, Mass. She died in 1867.
+151. v Maria MCALLASTER was born on April 27, 1827.
  152. vi James MCALLASTER was born on March 20, 1829 in Boston, Mass. He died on November 4, 1849.
+153. vii Sarah MCALLASTER was born on June 22, 1831.

33. Benjamin McAllaster was born on April 12, 1782 in Bedford, NH. He died on October 9, 1864 in Morristown, NY.

He was married to Annie BARR on November 19, 1807 1st wife. Annie BARR was born in 1787. She died on February 9, 1810 in Newburyport, Mass.

Benjamin MCALLASTER and Annie BARR had the following children:
  154. i. Margaret Ann MCALLASTER was born on October 24, 1808 in Newburyport, Mass She died on May 24, 1814.

He was married to Martha McKinney on February 24, 1822 in Mass. Martha McKinney was born on October 18, 1789 in Bedford, NH. She died on February 2, 1865 in Morristown ST Lawrence County, NY.

Benjamin MCALLASTER and Martha McKinney had the following children:
  155. i Child MCALLASTER was born on December 31, 1822 in Morristown, NY. He (or she) died on December 31, 1822 in Morristown, NY.
  156. ii Martha Ann MCALLASTER was born on November 3 1824 in Morristown NY. She died on July 21 1842 in Morristown NY age 17 Yrs 6 MO.
+157. iii Benjamin MCALLASTER was born on March 14, 1827.
+158. iv James Edwin MCALLASTER was born on August 19, 1829.
+159. v Octavius Warren MCALLASTER was born on January 11 1834.
  160. vi Apphia Jane MCALLASTER was born on January 8, 1838 in Morristown, NY. She died on February 18, 1902 in Lawrence, Kansas.

34. Apphia Spofford McAllaster was born on November 28, 1785 in Bedford, NH. She died on July 25, 1866.

She was married to CAPT John GILMORE about 1803. CAPT John GILMORE was born in 1782. He died on January 31, 1843 in Newport, NH.

Apphia Spofford MCALLASTER and CAPT John GILMORE had the following children:
+161. i Mary B GILMORE was born on October 28, 1804.
+162. ii Benjamin M. GILMORE was born on October 17, 1806.
+163. iii Margaret J GILMORE was born on December 27, 1810.
+164. iv George W GILMORE was born on November 22, 1814.
+165. v Stephen Decatur GILMORE was born on December 14, 1816.
+166. vi William M. GILMORE was born on August 30, 1818.
+167. vii James F GILMORE was born on August 30, 1820.
+168. viii Martha Ann GILMORE was born on May 28, 1824.
+169. ix John F GILMORE was born on March 4, 1826.

36. Francis McAllaster was born on August 16, 1773 in Bedford, NH. He died on December 25, 1841 in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY at age 69. He was buried on December 25, 1841 in Antwerp Cemetery old part, Antwerp, NY. His Relation is 3rd G Grandfather of William M Worth.

Excerpted from the History of Jefferson CO by Franklin B Hough 1854.

The Town of Antwerp was formed from LeRay, with its present limits April 5th 1810, to take effect on the first of Jan following. A part of Lewis County was annexed to Jefferson by the same act. The first Town meeting was held at the house of Francis McAllaster. Supervisors: 1811-1817 Daniel Heald; 1818-1819 Silvius Hoard; 1820-1822 John Howe; 1823-1824 S Hoard; 1825-1826 J Howe; 1827- Joseph H Bragg; 1828- Ralph Rogers; 1829-William Skinner; 1830-1832 Rufus H King; 1833-1834 DAVID McALLASTER; 1835-R.H.King; 1836- Edward Fowler; 1837-1838 Tilley R Pratt; 1839- R H King; 1840- William McALLASTER.

The town is named from Antwerp, Belgium, the seat of the Antwerp Company.

On the 17th July 1812, a special meeting was held at the request of the supervisors of the town for the purpose of devising a proper method of defense. Through a tragedy of war which is now beginning action between the US and GB. Said meeting to be held at the house of Francis McALLASTER Inn Keeper. The land books show the Names of settlers with their dates of purchase. Richard McALLASTER 1809 William McALLASTER 1812. There in Antwerp he became a Tavern keeper and was quite prominent among the first organizers of the town. The first town meeting was held in Francis and Anna's house on March 5, 1811. Frances was elected Commissioner of highways. [See History of Jefferson County New York page 457] Francis and Anna had 2 more children born in Antwerp NY. His Parents and most of their children relocated to Antwerp about 1811.

From the History of the McAllaster Family in America and The Descendants of William Averill Book, Francis and Anna [Averill] McAllaster settled in Springfield Vermont and that is where their first 6 children were born. His younger brother Richard had also settled in that area. At this time it is not known what trade or profession Francis was in but it seems he was fairly prosperous. In about 1805 during hard times and dire misfortunes his parents and his 5 sisters decided to also relocate from their home in Antrim NH to Springfield Vermont. In order to make such a move his father had to bond Francis younger brother William to a wealthier neighbor in Antrim under the Apprentice laws then existing in the State. It was in the year of 1810 that Francis his wife and their six children chose to move to brighter horizons and a newer territory in Antwerp New York. There in Antwerp he became a Tavern keeper and was quite prominent among the first organizers of the town. The first town meeting was held in Francis and Anna's house on March 5 1811. Frances was elected Commissioner of highways. [See History of Jefferson County New York page 457] Francis and Anna had 2 more children born in Antwerp New York. His Parents and most of their children relocated to Antwerp about 1811.

He was married to ANNA Bradford AVERILL (daughter of PVT JOHN AVERILL SR Amer Rev War and MARY BRADFORD) in 1798 in Amherst, Hillsboro NH. ANNA bradford AVERILL was born on May 29, 1777 in Amherst [MT Vernon], Hillsboro NH. She died on December 7, 1862 in Antwerp, Jefferson, New York age 85yrs. 6mo. 8d. She was buried in 1862 in Antwerp Cemetery old part, Antwerp NY. Anna's Daughter Cordelia Joyce at the age of 87, said that her Mother was of a Cheerful and hopeful disposition, a sweet singer, and fond of reading. When her husband kept the Hotel at Antwerp, she cooked all night to feed the Soldiers [War of 1812] when they passed through Antwerp from Sacketts Harbor on their way to Ogdensburg. Their first 6 children were born at Springfield Windsor Vermont; and the two youngest were born in Antwerp Jefferson NY.

FRANCIS MCALLASTER and ANNA Bradford AVERILL had the following children:
+170. i Polly MCALLASTER was born on December 8, 1798.
+171. ii David MCALLASTER was born on November 18, 1800.
+172. iii Mary Nancy MCALLASTER was born on September 26, 1802.
+173. iv Emerson MCALLASTER was born on January 20, 1805.
+174. v ELIZA MCALLASTER was born on April 24, 1807.
+175. vi Susan MCALLASTER was born on June 23, 1809.
+176. vii Lucretia MCALLASTER was born on August 13, 1811.
+177. viii Cordelia MCALLASTER was born on July 23, 1819.

38. Richard McAllaster was born on December 26, 1779 in Antrim, NH. He died in Antwerp NY.

He was married to Cythia POWERS (daughter of Ashael POWERS and Eleanor BRAGG) on December 6, 1804 in Springfield, Vermont. Cythia POWERS was born on July 17, 1784 in Springfield, Vermont.

39. Anna McAllaster was born on March 3, 1783 in Antrim, NH. She died on January 15, 1877 in Antwerp NY.

She was married to Daniel HEALD on December 8, 1802 in Springfield, Vermont. Daniel HEALD was born on May 21, 1776 in Concord, NH. He died in November 1842 in Antwerp NY.

40. Elizabeth McAllaster was born on October 16, 1787 in Antrim, NH She died on January 13, 1877 in Antwerp NY.

She was married to Henry BALDWIN (son of Joseph B. BALDWIN) on May 24, 1808 in Springfield Vermont. Henry BALDWIN was born on February 19, 1783 in Of Charleston, NH. He died on March 19, 1841 in Antwerp NY.

Elizabeth MCALLASTER and Henry BALDWIN had the following children:
+178. i William BALDWIN was born about 1809.
  179. ii Harry BALDWIN was born about 1811.
  180. iii Caroline BALDWIN was born about 1813.
  181. iv Sophia BALDWIN was born about 1815.
+182. v Jane BALDWIN was born about 1818.

41. William McAllusterWilliam McAllaster was born on March 6, 1792 in Antrim, NH. He died on May 5, 1870 in Antwerp, Jefferson, NY, age 73.

The Antwerp Delphic Library was formed March 13,1832 with Charles B Hoard William McAllaster R N Randall trustees. William McAllaster was elected to the State Assembly for the 1841 term and in 1852 he was among those appointed to serve on the first board of directors for a publicly funded railroad. He was Town Supervisor in 1840.

The Mac-Alasdair Clan Vol. IV No 1 March 1944 an article from 1890 that appeared in the Antwerp section of Child's Jefferson County Gazetteer NY. Supplied by George Noyes McAllaster [in 1986] of Watertown NY, a Grandson of William. " William McAllaster was born in Antrim NH March 6 1792. At age 18 finding himself at liberty and on a world with only a small amount of money in his pocket William Packed his scanty wardrobe in a bundle and taking it on his back set out upon a long march through the wilderness. Hardly knowing whither he was going but carrying in his breast a stout heart and in his vigorous frame the health and strength requisite to a successful encounter with fate however obstinate she might prove. On the length of time or the hardships endured upon his journey we can say nothing, but we know that upon reaching Antwerp, NY [after Walking from Antrim NH] he found little to do and so continued on to Ogdensburg. Here he obtained work with Mr. Ford the builder of the state Rd. for one season He returned again to NH and then again to Antwep bringing with him from Springfield NH his Parents.

Photo of Nancy Stowell He was married to Nancy STOWELL (daughter of Oliver STOWELL and Elizabeth HOISINGTON) on February 24, 1828 in Antwerp, NY Nancy STOWELL was born on January 6, 1805 in Windsor, Vermont. She died on July 9, 1898 in Antwerp, NY She was buried in Antwerp, NY.

William MCALLASTER and Nancy STOWELL had the following children:
183. i William Parish MCALLASTER Civil War was born on May 9, 1829 in Antwerp NY He died on September 18, 1873 in Antwerp, NY.
+184. ii HON George David MCALLASTER was born on October 3, 1831.
185. iii Oliver Richard MCALLASTER Civil War was born on May 10, 1834 in Antwerp NY He died about 1863 in Antwerp NY He was buried in Antwerp NY.
186. iv Henry Major MCALLASTER was born in 1836 in Antwerp NY He died young Antwerp NY He was buried in Antwerp NY.

43. David McAllester was born on November 18, 1800 in Antrim, NH He died abt 1870/1880 David is listed as a farmer and his wife is listed as a widow in 1880.


CENSUS: 1850 Springfield Windsor Co Vermont: 435-442: David McAllister 50 laborer b Johnson VT. Real estate $150; Lydia 43 b Chester VT; Charles H 17 attending school b Parrishville NY, George E 15 school b Cavendish VT; Sarah J 13 school b Chester VT; Harriet 8 b Chester VT; Lucious 2 b Springfield VT. (It is unusual to see the Town were they were born on a census).

He was married to Lydia PAINE (daughter of Charles PAINE Amer REV WAR and Sarah ELLISON) about 1830. Lydia PAINE was born about 1807 in Chester, Windsor, VT. She died on 15 Mar 1891 in Cornish Sullivan NH where she was living with her daughter.

SOURCE CENSUS: 1850 Springfield VT, 1860, 1870 Chester VT Census.

DEEDS: Springfield 18:372, Chester 22:180,243-4,246. Mother of 5 children. Living in Chester in 1872.

PROBATE: Windsor Co Vermont 15-78 [page 78]: State of Vermont District of Windsor. At a Probate Court held in at Cavendish within and for the District of Windsor aforesaid on the twenty sixth day of December A D 1837. Present the Hon. Thomas F Hammond Judge. Ptolmey Edison Administrator of the Estate of Charles Pain late of Chester in said District, deceased intestate having presented the foregoing account of his administration of said Estate for allowance and all persons concerned having been duly notified thereof. The same is examined and allowed by said Court ordered to be recorded. And then remaining in the hands of the Administrator. Balance of Four Hundred Dollars and thirteen cents being the Residue of the said Estate upon the final Settlement thereof. The same is hereby decreed by said Court in equal proportions to and among James Pain, George W Paine, Lydia McAllister wife of David McAllister, who are all the Heirs of the said Deceased. A true Record Attest Salmon F Dutton, Register.

Lydia MCALSTER Mother F W W 74 VT

Occ: House Keeping Fa: MA Mo: VT

1880Census Place: Bloomfield, Scott, Illinois

Source: FHL Film 1254250 National Archives Film T9-0250 Page 528D

Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace

Charles MCALLISTER Self M M W 45 NY

Occ: Carpenter Fa: NY Mo: VT


Occ: Keeping House Fa: VT Mo: VT

Eveline MCALLISTER Dau F S W 15 VT

Occ: At Home Fa: NY Mo: VT


Occ: At Home Fa: NY Mo: VT

David MCALLISTER and Lydia PAINE had the following children:
+187. i Charles Henry MCALLISTER was born on September 3 1834.
+188. ii George Edson MCALLISTER was born on September 13 1836.
+189. iii Sarah Isabell MCALLISTER was born on September 2 1838.
  190. iv Harriet Elizabeth MCALLISTER was born on April 16, 1842 in Chester, Windsor VT She died after 1870.
+191. v Lucius Lewis MCALLISTER was born on December 16, 1847.

44. Richard McAllaster was born in 1773 in Bedford, NH. He died on November 19, 1845 in Antrim, NH. He is buried on the hill in Antrim.

He was married to Peggy AIKEN (daughter of James AIKEN Deacon) about 1803 -- 1st wife. Peggy AIKEN was born in 1778. She died on March 1, 1813 in Antrim, NH.

Richard MCALLISTER and Peggy AIKEN had the following children:
  192. i Nathan W.C. MCALLISTER was born in 1805 in Antrim, NH. He died on August 9, 1835 Unmarried.
  193. ii Nancy MCALLISTER was born in 1807 in Antrim, NH. She died in 1856 in Manchester, NH Unmarried.
+194. iii Sophronia MCALLISTER was born in 1811.
  195. iv Mary C. MCALLISTER was born in 1813 in Antrim, NH.

He was married to MRS Betsey GRANT about 1814 -- 2nd Wife. MRS Betsey GRANT was born about 1778.

Richard MCALLISTER and MRS Betsey GRANT had the following children:
+196. i Richard MCALLISTER Jr. was born on November 19, 1815.

He was married to Hannah TAYLOR on March 26, 1818 -- 3rd Wife. Hannah TAYLOR was born about 1790.

Richard MCALLISTER and Hannah TAYLOR had the following children:
+197. i James B MCALLISTER was born on November 25, 1818.
+198. ii Benjamin MCALLISTER was born on September 22, 1821.
+199. iii David MCALLISTER was born on December 19, 1824.
+200. iv Louisa MCALLISTER was born on September 22, 1826.
  201. v Leonard MCALLISTER was born in 1827 in Antrim, NH. He died in 1867 Unmarried.
  202. vi Stickney MCALLISTER was born in 1827 in Antrim, NH. He died in 1831.

46. Thomas McAllaster was born in 1775 in Antrim, NH. He died on April 2, 1840 in Windsor, Mass.

He was married to Nancy SMITH (daughter of Capt. Sylvanus SMITH Amer Rev War) in 1803 in Boston Mass. Nancy SMITH was born about 1780.

Thomas MCALLASTER and Nancy SMITH had the following children:
+203. i James MCALLASTER was born on September 17, 1804.
+204. ii William MCALLASTER was born on February 1, 1806.
+205. iii Sylvanus MCALLASTER was born on January 6, 1808.
+206. iv Sally MCALLASTER was born on January 26, 1810.
  207. v Nancy MCALLASTER was born on September 26, 1811 in Boston, Mass. [An Invalid]. She died Unmarried.
+208. vi Katherine MCALLASTER was born on September 21, 1813.
+209. vii Thomas MCALLASTER was born on October 6, 1816.
+210. viii Benjamin MCALLASTER was born on April 3, 1821.
+211. ix Mary Ann MCALLASTER was born on February 3, 1823.

48. William McAllister was born on May 3, 1781 in Amtrim, NH. He died on March 23, 1862 in Wilmot, NH.

He was married to Rachel KENDALL about 1817. Rachel KENDALL was born about 1791 in Hillsborough Vermont.

William MCALLISTER and Rachel KENDALL had the following children:
  212. i Orrin MCALLISTER was born in 1818 in Hillsborough, Vermont. He died in 1831 in Hillsborough, Vermont.
+213. ii Joshua H MCALLISTER was born on March 27, 1820.
+214. iii George S. MCALLISTER was born on February 5, 1822.
+215. iv Sarah Olivia MCALLISTER was born on June 11, 1827.
+216. v Clara S MCALLISTER was born on February 14, 1831.

49. Anne McAllister was born on August 12, 1783 in Antrim, NH. She died on April 20, 1855 in Hillsborough, NH.

She was married to Benjamin TUTHILL (son of Sampson TUTHILL and Submit WARREN) on April 17, 1804 in Antrim, NH. Benjamin TUTHILL was born on April 17, 1783 in Littleton Mass. He died on October 24, 1857 in Hillsborough, NH.

Anne MCALLISTER and Benjamin TUTHILL had the following children:
  217. i. Isaac M TUTTLE was born on May 8, 1805 in Hillsborough, Vermont. He died on June 10, 1810 in Hillsborough, Vermont.
+218. ii Nancy TUTTLE was born on December 8, 1806.
+219. iii Benjamin TUTTLE was born on April 23, 1811.
+220. iv Isaac TUTTLE ESQ. Was born on June 17, 1813.
+221. v Alonzo TUTTLE was born on April 5, 1816.
+222. vi Sarah Ann TUTTLE was born on February 27, 1825.

51. Rachel McAllister was born in 1787 in Antrim, NH. She died on November 19, 1860.

She was married to Jonas HARVEY in February 1827. No Issue. Jonas HARVEY was born about 1787 in Manchester NH.

52. Sally McAllister was born on June 20, 1789 in Antrim, NH. She died on December 5, 1868 in Oakham, Mass.

She was married to DR Charles ADAMS on February 13, 1809. DR Charles ADAMS was born about 1789.

Sally MCALLISTER and DR Charles ADAMS had the following children:
  223. i Hon Charles ADAMS Jr. was born about 1810.
+224. ii Charlotte ADAMS was born about 1812.

53. Mary [Polly] McAllister was born on February 21, 1792 in Antrim NH. She died on November 10, 1857 in Hancock, NH.

She was married to Sampson TUTHILL Jr. (son of Sampson TUTHILL and Sarah FLETCHER) on May 30, 1820. Sampson TUTHILL Jr. was born on May 16, 1790 in Hancock, NH. He died on February 19, 1857 in Hancock, NH. Sampson Tuttle JR settled in a place marked "S. Tuttle Heirs" which he Purchased from Jacob Emerson. He was rightly respected in the town. Was chosen in 1819 as one of the committee to visit the schools.

Mary [Polly] MCALLISTER and Sampson TUTHILL Jr. had the following children:
  225. i Horatio TUTHILL was born on June 22, 1821 in NH. He died on December 21, 1838.
  226. ii Mary TUTHILL was born on October 28, 1823 in NH. She died on December 12, 1843.
  227. iii John Fletcher Spaulding TUTHILL was born on November 5, 1827 in NH. He died on August 29, 1831.
+228. iv Lucetta TUTHILL was born on May 12, 1829 in NH.
  229. v Sally Ann TUTHILL was born on December 5, 1834 in NH. Sally Ann Tuthill was graduated from the Female Seminary in Newbury, Vermont and was a successful School teacher [History of Hancock].

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